12: Quest

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Prince Ivan's POV

I left before she awoke, I couldn't see her now, now that I had ruined any chance of our happiness together.

How did I ever let my father talk me into a loveless marriage?

It was a good thing I had believable excuses for ignoring her, the King of Sord had long couseling meetings scheduled all day that Elexonder and I had been invited to.

The main subject in all of them was the creatures of the night, a contraversial topic in any human court. With Princesses all over the world being captured by the creatures there was a need to prevent it.

The King of Sord was fervent on this subject, his own daugter and neice both having been captured by the creatures in the past. It amazed me how persuasive he was with his councelors and anyone who disputed him, yet no one was offended because of his careful word choice.

When I'm King of Enther, I hope to be as deft at poltics as this man.

"And that is why I have decided we need to send someone to The Creatures of the Night so they can unravel this mystery from the roots."

Everyone was quiet, no one dared disagree with their King. But I could see the thoughts that their king was suffering from absolute lunatism.

"So something akin to a quest." I questioned, maybe a distraction like that would help me.

The King of Sord nodds his head, "Exactly." he let that settle in with a pause of silence, "Who will go?"

I saw the baffled looks on his couselors faces that he had made his decision final so quickly.

"You're majesty I...." a hesitant voice started to speak up against the idea. "I will go." Elexonder interrupted.

The King looked to him with a cherishing smile, "Of course! Who would be better suited for a quest such as this?"

I hesitantly raise my hand to gain my father in law's attention, "Might I go as well?" I sounded like a scared school boy, but when someone that can make your life a living nightmare is staring you down you feel rather small.

It only took him a few seconds to scrutionize me before his smile appeared on his face as he nodded in agreement "Yes, that is a good idea. You have experience with these creatures, you will do very nicely."

I let out my breath I had been holding, what would Christia say about this?

I had gone to the meetings all day to avoid a chance meeting with her, but she had some traits of her father. So while listening to him my thoughts couldn't help but drift back to her, and how badly last night had ended the pain of it never fully leaving me.

Princess Christia's POV

He wasn't there when I woke up, a part of me knew he was ignoring me, but the same part of me was glad he was doing the work and not I. Avoiding someone as close to you as your husband is sometimes difficult when it really comes down to it.
The day seemed uneventful to me, for some reason my old habits seemed mundane and useless. Not that I would ever admit it to a soul, so I continued on with my facade of contentness.

Prince Ivan's POV

Exiting from the meetings with Elexonder - and there had been many meetings after the decision to go on the quest was made, one after the other covering all angles of ruling a kingdom. I had felt like I was in the school room all over again, what a life I would have when I was King.- I let out a sigh of relief.

Elexonder laughed at me apparent relief, "That bad was it?"

My lips formed half a smile, "I am not looking forward to when I am a king, lets just leave it at that."

Elexonder didn't say anything more on the subject, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

When we turned on a corner in the hallway where no others from the counsels were present his countenance changed to the serious Elexonder he had been before Meria and him understood the other. "I don't like where this quest might go."

I gave him a questioning gaze, "Then why did you volunteer?"

He gave me a 'you already know the answer' look, "Do you really want some over egoed knight trying 'solve the mystery' of the captured princesses? Dealing with your valor was hard enough."

I shot him an unsulted look, but what he said held truth.

"Why did you volunteer?" his voice came out of the silence, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, well, you know... Have to prove myself to the inlaws. Yes, that's it completely." my answer came out jumbled and I could tell Elexonder knew it was false.

"Oh, really?" he leaned against the wall crossing his arms, I could see the amusement playing in his eyes.

I sigh in frustration that he knows me so well. "I just... Can't be around Christia right now, this gives me the perfect excuse." I choke the words out trying to hold back the pain the truth brings.

"You really didn't marry her for love." Elexonder says to the silence that follow.

I shake my head in agreement, "And I have no idea how to ever make ammends for that."

We were both silent after that as we branched off to our respective rooms to pack for a quest neither of us really wanted to leave for.

Princess Christia's POV

I had beed sitting on a chair for the last hour pouring over the same page of a book I had been reading, the words not registering in my brain when Ivan came in pulling out a pack and started to fill it with essential traveling equipment. He was destracted, for he didn't even notice me as I watched him in his hurry.

"Where will you be traveling to?" I ask him coldly, he cannot know what my heart says as it cries out in anguish.
When I was captured my the Troll Queen I had kept my fright inside, I could keep this emotion inside as well, I had years of practice.

"Quest." he gives me a clipped answer as he continues to pack.

I knew my father occasionally sent people out on quests, but I never imagined that Ivan would be one of them.

"For what reason?" I ask again, some of my new worry sneaking into my tone.

He met my eyes at that, but quickly looked back to his work. He had made quick progress in packing everything he could need. "You'll stay here with Meria until we return."

He wouldn't meet my eyes or say anything more after that, barely acknowledging my presence. His words from the night before continuously ran through my head
"I can't believe I thought myself in love with you!"
He had only thought, his heart had never been claimed. And it hurt me, that he had my heart but had crushed it.

Prince Ivan's POV

On our horses Elexonder and I were waving to the farewell party standing on the castle steps from the courtyard.

"How did Meria take the news that she had to stay?" I ask Elexonder quietly as I continue to smile and wave at the over dressed nobles.

"Better than I expected." was all the answer I got. Looking at the people waving I didn't see Meria, "Where is she?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Elexonder gives me a dangerous grin, "Resting."

I shake my head at the relationship he has with his wife, as far as I knew Meria could be tied up somewhere as she worked to get free. But that was how they chose to live, and I envied their happiness.

Thinking of happiness I looked to Christia's eyes, finding sadness and longing. Longing for what I know not, but I hoped that maybe my absence would give her peace.

Princess Christia's POV

I looked into his eyes before he turned to leave. Even though his mouth was smiling, I found sadness in his eyes. Probably sadness that he was stuck with me for a wife and that familiar ache in my chest became stronger for a moment. I hoped that maybe he could find happiness on this quest, but I doubt the creatures could be that friendly.


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