Chapter 8 : Your Sweet 666

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"I'm waiting for your call
and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart"
(Your sweet 666)

- Oh thanks, what is that for  ? She asked, very surprised when John handed her a small red roses bouquet. 

- Ahah... Not from me. There was a delivery guy when we arrived.

- Whoever that is from, it's very very cheesy. Stan added.

- Is that from Dan ? Asked Mike. She had not even opened the card yet.

John looked at Mike with big eyes and cleared in throat. Mike still had no clue.
"NOT DAN" murmured the drummer so the bass player could read his lips. Mike then realized his mistake.

- Guys, could we postpone practice ? asked Kim, her eyes still on the card.

- Oh fuck you Kim ! uttered Stan. He was truly angry. 

Her eyes begged John for them to leave. The latter sighed but obliged and took his bandmates with him.

The singer waited a bit after they left, just to be sure they would not try to know what she was doing. She drove as fast as she could to the address on the card: a nice hotel, in a business area. Good idea for a bit of privacy.

She walked to the front desk where the young receptionist completely lost it when asked for room 204. 

- Should I undress here so we can move on ? Seriously, stop looking at me like that and tell me where I can find that room !

He mumbled some apologie and led her down the corridors. Kim did not even bother to knock. She entered and had to really walk into the room to see who was in there. The light was off and the shades were closed. When her eyes had adjusted, she leaned on the wall, arms crossed, her gaze fixed on the person on the other side of the bed.

- What a surprise, she said ironically. What brings you here ?

- Good question.

- How's the girlfriend ? She asked, a bit scorned.

- That's another good question. Gone, I guess.

- Gone as in dead and gone ? Or gone but still breathing but broke my cheater's heart ?

- More like the second option.

- Oh... Poor Ville needs comforting. Go to your mother for that. 

She was really getting angry. She took a cigaret out.

- Don't do that, he said. You'll trigger the smoke alarm.

- Maybe it'll calm my nerves.

Now she was the one getting uncomfortable. Ville could feel it and mustered the confidence to stand up, out of his chair on the corner of the room. 

- Why ? There is no reason to be angry. He said calmly, with a little smirk. 

This set her off. She walked up to him.

- Because you know damn well that, in spite of you being an asshole, I want to throw you on this bed and show you what happens to men lucky enough to be under me. I don't like one shots, when I like something I always take some more.

Her angry eyes were piercing him. He had nothing to answer to that. He pressed her against the wall. 

- Did they fall because you missed me, Ville ?  She said, running her hands in his hair, which were shorter since she last saw him.

He pressed his body even harder against hers. She kept staring at him but she knew he would not dare go further than that, no matter how mean she could be or how bad she turned him on. Kim decided to go for what she wanted. She kissed him, parted his lips to meet his tongue. 

Ville then stopped restraining Kim. He flipped her over and pushed her against the wall again. Now he wanted to have his own little revenge for how Kim had been treating him. 
She was wearing a wrap-over blouse, laced in the back. He grabbed the laces and a little fun with it, tightening and loosening it up at his will. 

He tightened it as much as he could.

- Yes, I kinda missed you. He whispered right to her ear.

He loosened the laces all at once. She gasped and turned over.


They left the room by the end of the afternoon, eager to find a more comfortable and intimate place. Kim and Ville were relieved to find her house empty.

The following morning, they had to go clothes hunting. Kim managed to find her underwear, so she headed out her bedroom to find something for Ville. Then they proceeded to the kitchen, still thinking they were alone.

Rose enjoyed the view of Ville as much as she enjoyed his and her sister's shocked expression when they met her in the kitchen. The Finn stepped back behind Kim when he saw that the younger girl could not turn her eyes away from him.

- Rose ! Damn it ! Kim scolded. 

- Alright, she laughed. I'm leaving. Always the same having fun around here. Make your own coffee, then !

Rose left so Kim quickly went to the coffee pot to try and diffuse the embarrassment.

As she stood there waiting for the water to boil, behind her Ville passed his arms around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder.

- You know... He said, leaving small kisses on her neck. I cannot stay long...

She tensed up. He had some nerves, telling her like that.

- Come back to Helsinki with me.

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