Chapter 2/8- Studies Show..

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Sci's POV

While Y/n was asleep, I placed my hand on her arm. Wondering what had REALLY happened to her before she came here, I decided to use my magic to read her memories and become astonished as to what she's had to go through her whole life.

"*what a disgusting father.."

I mutter under my breath as I then began wondering what the syrum her father gave her did to her or what the whole point of giving it her was. I hear my phone ring as I then answer it, it was Asgore. I leave the lab and go to meet up with Asgore as he ordered me to do so.

"So..I heard that you found a human.."
Asgore says quietly as he takes a sip of his tea.
"*yeah..she's in my lab.."
I reply quietly as I began to worry if he was going to kill the girl or not. Somehow..I didn't want to see her go..I wanted to get to know her more..I stay with her.
"Perfect, the last soul that will lead us to victory and freedom."
Asgore says with an evil smile as I feel my eyesockets widen.
"*you're going to kill her?!"
I shriek out as I feel anger slowly beginning to boil within me.
"Well of course Sans..are you short wired?"
Asgore insults with a small laugh as I then grab him by the color of his shirt.
"*listen up you stupid king! if you even think about laying a single finger on her..i will make sure that my face is the last thing you see during your final breathing moments!"
I yell out at him as I could see the horror in his eyes. Asgore begins laughing insanely before pushing me off of him.
"Aw come on Sans, isn't this what you and your father wanted? To be free?~"
Asgore taunts teasingly as I feel my soul begin to pound and my eyes flare up a bright green.
"*you bastard! shut up you don't know anything about my father!!"
I screech as I lift the mistake of a king up and toss him into a wall. I then walk over to him and stomp my foot on him, my eyes still flaring.
"*send your loyal men after her and they'll meet a fatal death.."
I say before teleporting away, wondering how the hell the king would of found out about there being a human in the underground so quickly.
"*alphys..alphys would be the one responsible!" I yell out slightly to myself before teleporting to my lab after taking Paps to school. Once I arrive back to my lab, I see Y/N sitting down on her bed quietly. Once she sees me, she greets me with a happy 'hello' and a hug..? But why would she hug me..I don't know her all too much but she didn't pose a threat to anyone..I couldn't help but hug her back as if my body wouldn't listen to what I said. She soon lets go of me as we then begin chatting with one and other before I'm then called for one second by Alphys. It was a cry for help.."SANS HELP ME!!"
I jump up, about to run off to where Alphys is but notice the look of confusion on Y/N's face.
"Sans? But I thought your name was Sci-"
She starts but is shushed by me before I run off to where Alphys was. Sure enough, the amalgamates were out of control likr usual. With a snap of a finger, all the amalgamates are lifted up off of the floor as Alphys then runs and hides behind me after successfully pouring water in the dog food bowls. I let out a small sigh and snap my fingers, releasing my magic from holding the amalgamates as I then teleport Alphys and I out of the room with the amalgamates. I begin questioning Alphys as to how Asgore would know that there was a human already down here in the underground when Y/N had only been here for like a day or so. Our chatting soon comes to an end though by the sound of pained screaming, Y/N's screams to be exact. I run back to where Y/N was last seen as I then feel my eyesockets grow wide. Y/N was surrounded in a dark red aurora as she seemed to not to control it."Y/N!!"
Alphys calls out she runs over towards her while I decide to watch. Y/N turns around, she looked as though she were in pain. I know I could of stopped her but decided to watch instead. I watch as Y/N let out a roar towards Alphys as if she was some kind of animal or something making Alphys go flying and crash into a wall. My eyesockets grow wide with slight fear as I run over to Alphys, she was unconscious from the atrack. I look at Y/N and lift her up with my magic, immobilizing her as I then walk over towards her.
"*just what are you exactly..?"I mutter quitely under my breath before dropping her making her sustain minor damage, I wasn't trying to kill her I wasn't sure what was going on with her so what reason do I have to kill her to begin with? I watch as the dark red aurora slowly fades away, leaving her unconscious. I slowly walk over to her unconscious body as I then pick her up, bridal style as I walk with her to an area with an operating table and gently place her down on it. I then sign into my computer and begin to run an analysis on her structure and body. I take a blood sample from her and examine it with a microscope. 'What was it that caused her so much pain?' I ask myself in the head as I look at the unconscious Y/N lying on the operating table. I walk over to her and place my cold boney hand on her soft warm fleshy cheek. "She's so beautiful.." I mutter under my breath as I look at the sleeping beauty before me. 'I feel like I want to kiss her for some reason..but I barely know her..' I say to myself in my head as I silently look back on when I met her. I hear an alert come from my computer as I then run over to it and check on it.


Those words flash on the screen as it was telling me that Y/N was in a critical state. I zoom into the diagram of her body structure and look for what was causing any of this. I find the source and pull it up on my computer. Apparently this was the syrum that she must of told me that her father had injected into her purposely and it was supposed to kill her but she somehow survived it. I anaylze the syrum more which I had found in her blood sample and find out that it's sort of like a drug. Only difference though is that her body isn't addicted to it, but it is to her. If the syrum doesn't kill some one instantly like what the initial purpose of it was for, then it will remain in the body for a certain degree of time and while it's in there, it will turn into a virus like creature and attack all of her cells in her body. While it's doing this, the body will begin to behave very strangely and will irregularly produce this strong force, hence what happened before to Alphys. It is still unclear as to what the cause of where the power comes from and it is hard to tell when the next time it will return to take over Y/N's body.

Insane? I know :3 This just about wraps it up for this chapter see ya on the flip side! XD

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