A Battle And An Unexpected Surprise - 7

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*???'s POV*

I watched it all unfold infront of me and let me tell you Fresh being killed really pissed me off. "Sorry Fresh." I say to the pile of dust and grab his soul. "I need to help Error."

*Error's POV*

I watched as Classic, Ink, Blue, Fell, Mono, Carter, Cater, Alter, Tone, G, Chess, Sci, Palette, Goth, Geno, Reaper, Valerie (ReaperTale Frisk), PaperJam (Inks kid), Pastel, Katana, Dance, Ganz, Sensy, Cross, Nightmare, Dream, Nerd and Jock Error, Ink, Pj, Fresh, Palette and Goth, Starry, Greaser, Ice, Umi, SwapFell, FellSwap, Lust, Horror and to my surprise SwapFell Papyrus, UnderSwap Papyrus, InkTale Papyrus and ReaperTale Papyrus teleported into the Anti-Void. "YOU MESS WITH MR. FRESH AND YOU MESS WITH ME!!!." Pj yelled and magic flared in his eyes. "NO ONE HURT AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF MY BOYFRIEND!!!." Nerd and Jock Pj yelled. "NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH HURTING AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF ME!!!." Nerd and Jock Fresh yelled getting angrier then I have every seen him. "AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! NO ONE EVER HURTS A SANS AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!." I yell and wrap my strings around her and pulling her towards me. "You messed with the wrong Sans." I laugh. "You may think you've won, but I have one more trick up my sleeve." She smirks and every Chara appears. "Shit." I choke out and throw Chara into the wall of the Anti-Void.

*3rd Person POV*

The battle has began just as it had many years ago. Every Sans battles there own Chara's and Error and Classic fought UT Chara. "You know. You may have killed all of the Chara's." She smirks looking around seeing all the piles of dust on the battle scene. "BUT YOU'LL NEVER KILL ME!!!." She yells and Error flings her.

*Error's POV*

I watched as she grew into a giant and at that moment I knew we were screwed. "NO!!!." A yell was heard and a ball of orange magic hit Chara damaging her. "What the?." I say and look to see the back of a human. "NO ONE HURTS MY FAMILY AND DOESN'T DEAL WITH ME!!!." She yell and flew up into the air and blasted her with another attack. "HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF THE CHAMBER?!!." Chara yelled and threw an attack but missed. "Watching Fresh die pissed me off. Plus. I can't just let you spread rumors of how you supposedly crushed me." It hit me and I started crying. "SARAH!!!." I yelled and she turned to me and smirked. "Well. What are you waiting for?." She smiles and flew behind Chara and blasted her making her fall to the ground. "It's my turn." Valerie said and charged up a dark blue magic ball. "You hurt my girlfriend. You killed my best friend. YOU KILLED MY PARENTS!!!." She yelled and hit her with the magic ball taking her down to 1 HP. "Oh Chara. What should I do with you?." Sarah asks looking down on her. "I've chosen." She says fastly and traps her in a ball of magic. "Guys." She speaks. "I need to go now." She starts crying. "But first." She laughs and violet magic flared around her. "YO!!!." A loud voice was heard through the smoke and a skate board rolled out of the violet. "WHATS UP MY BROSKIES?!!!." Fresh popped out of the smoke and tears engulfed me. "FRESH!!!." I yelled running towards him jumping into his embrace. "I-I love y-you. Please d-don't ever leave a-again." I say and pull him into a kiss, awes swept across the Void. "I love you to dude... And Lol, means LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!." He yelled in my ear and I groan. "Yep good to have you back." I roll my eyes. "Come on. You love me." He says and I couldn't help the smile. "Yeah." I laugh and everyone joins in a group hug.


*Chara's POV*

"It's not over yet."

A Glitch And A Parasite (ErrorFresh)Where stories live. Discover now