Wedding - 17 (END)

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(Sorry if I make any age mistakes for the kids)
*Error's POV*

"I'm so nervous." I say and look at Sarah. "SO NERVOUS!!!." I yell shaking her back and fourth. "O-o-k p-le-as-e st-op." She said in between shakes. "Sorry." I say and stop. "You know you look nice in a wedding dress." I hear and turn around to see Dream and baby Palette. "Thanks I guess." I raise an eyebrow but shrug. "Well you ready?!." Sarah yelled patting my back. "Yeah I guess." I say and Ink appears. "IM HERE!!!." He yell panting. "Yes I see you." I say sarcastically. "Really?." Ink says.

*Fresh's POV*

"I'm scared." I say shakily. "Don't be." Valerie says. "Yeah be happy." Reaper said holding a 1 year old Goth. "Ok." I respond. "Well, get out there it's about to start." Valerie says and pushes me out.

*Error's POV*

"Oh it's starting." I say and link arms with Ink (cause who the fuck else). "Here we go." Ink says and the doors open (BA BA BABA BA BA BABA BA BABA BA BA BA BA BABA). Then I saw Fresh (he was hot as always) he was hot, five year old Pj stand beside him and Dream stands at the alter. (Why does Dream always officiate?).

---;-;---Time Skip Cause I Don't Know Shit

"Error, do you take Fresh to be your husband?." Dream asks. "I do." I say. "And Fresh, do you take Error to be your wife?." He asked. "I do." Fresh said. "By the power vested in me, you may kiss the bride." Dream said and Error quickly pulled me into a kiss. "Momma." I hear and look down to see ReFresh yelling. "Aww." I say and pick him up. "Pretty Pretty Pretty!!!." ReFresh giggled clapping his hands. "Me and you both." Fresh winks making me blush. "PARTY TIME!!!." Sarah yelled.

*???'s POV*

"Revenge." I chuckled peeking into the wedding tent (because it's outside). "Perfect." I say as I see all the children at the side of the tent. "Guys come here." I say and everyone comes over. "I'll grab ReFresh then you guys grab all the others." I say and reach in the tent snatching ReFresh. "MOMMA!!!." He cries. "Jesus your only one and you can scream. "Let me go!." Pj yells kicking. "Hey!." Plum yells. "Unhand me!." Pawn said struggling. "WAA!." Palette cried and Goth cried softer. "Are we missing anybody?." I ask and they nod no.

*Error's POV*

"ReFresh." I yell looking for him. "MOMMA!!!." I hear and my motherly instincts come in. "IM COMING BABY!!!." I run and see Goth being snatched from out of the tent. "NO!!!." I yell and run out of the tent only to see and portal closing and here the fear in the kids voices. "M-my b-baby." I fall to my knees and start crying. "ERROR!!!." Fresh yells and runs outside. "They took him... And all th-the other kids." I cry onto him. "Hey Fresh do you know where Goth is?." Geno asks coming outside. "Or Palette?." Dream asked. "Pj?." Ink tears up. "Pawn?." G says. "Plum?." Blue asks. "Th-there gone... There g-gone." I say and everyone starts crying.

"I'm sorry."

Don't worry tho there will be a sequel!!!

So how did you like it? (It sucked I know)

A Glitch And A Parasite (ErrorFresh)Where stories live. Discover now