Chapter Seven: Running

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I look over at him: his defined jaw line, his golden hair, his long blonde lashes that are set around his topaz eyes. I engrave these details into my brain, wanting to remember them after I leave. After I run from him.
I look back out the window and feel a lump in my throats at the thought of leaving him. He risked his life for me. He has taken care of me so far. But I don't know anything about him. And he would be better off without me. I'm just a burden.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I whisper, not trusting my voice. He pulls off of the road and puts the car in park.
"Alright, but don't go too far."
I open the door and force myself to casually walk into the woods. Once I am sure I'm out of his sight, I take off into a sprint.
The clouds above my head seem to darken as rain threatens to pour down on me. The trees suddenly disappear and I am surrounded by tall stalks of corn. I run through them and wind up getting lost inside. My sense of direction is all out of wack as the rain begins to drop, soaking through my thin sweatshirt.
My breathing becomes rapid as I begin to panic. I thought I could take care of myself. What was I thinking? I've never been on my own before. And Carlisle knew a lot about the law enforcement. If I got caught, there would be no way I could talk my way out of it.
"Breathe!" I yell at myself. I continue to run and finally stop as the corn clears and a trailer comes into view. Without thinking twice, I run up to it and knock on the door. The door opens and an old lady appears.
"Hello. I'm a little lost. I was hoping you could help me." I say. She looks me up and down before smiling.
"Oh the rain! Come in, you'll get soaked." she says, letting me inside.
I step inside and am hit with an odor that made tears form in my eyes. The smell gives me a headache and my vision becomes blurry.
"I have family in North Carolina. Would you be able to point me in that direction?" I ask.
"Oh you can't leave in this weather! You'll get sick." she says, her wrinkled leathery skin grabbing my hand. She pulls me into the living room and I gasp as I see the source of the odor.
Hanging from the ceiling was an animal carcass. It's head had been chopped off and it had been skinned. Flies buzzed around it as blood dripped down, staining the carpet. I take a step back, suddenly feeling sick and claustrophobic.
"I really...must go...they'll be expecting me." I whisper, trying to leave.
"I like your hair like that." she says, fingering it.
"" I stutter, still staring at the dead animal.
"Oh yes. Didn't I tell you it would be better that way?" she asks. The room begins to spin as her comment frightens me straight to the core.
"Ma'am, I don't know you." I whisper, trying to leave.
"What do you mean, Sarah? It's me, your mother." she says, rubbing my arm.
"Mother?" I ask.
"Yes." she says smiling.
"I don't...know you."
I try to run to the door but she steps in front of it.
"Don't leave me again, Sarah." she says, almost crying.
"I'm not Sarah!" I shout, tears running down my cheeks. I gently push her aside and break out of the house. I fall to the ground, gasping for fresh air.
"What's going on here?"
I smile when I hear Carlisle's voice. He gently pulls me to my feet and stares at the old lady.
"Can't you Bureau men just leave her alone for once!" she shouts.
"Let's go." Carlisle says.
"Sarah! Please!" she cries out.
"Hurry!" I shout as we run back into the corn. Carlisle expertly finds his way through and I grip his hand tightly, in fear of losing him.
We reach the truck and he stops me, grabbing my shoulders.
"Don't do that again, Esme. I told you to stay close." he says, but his voice sounds like it's coming through a tunnel. I can still feel the lady on my body, grabbing at my hair.
"Why was she calling you Sarah?" he asks.
"Sarah was her daughter." I whisper.
"Are you alright?" he asks. I step away from him and try to clear my head of the smell that still surrounds me. It's on my clothes, my skin. I feel myself become sick again and before I can help it, I throw up into my hands and onto the ground.
I feel Carlisle pull my hair back and hold it as I empty the contents of my stomach. I feel tears stream down my cheeks as I heave. When I am finally done, Carlisle hands me some toothpaste and a toothbrush he must've picked up from the store. I gratefully take it and brush the taste from my mouth.
"You alright?" he asks again as I hand him the items. I nod and stumble into the cab of the truck. He gets in and starts the car but doesn't move it.
"Why did you run?" he asks, not looking at me.
"I was afraid."
"Of what?"
"Being alone with you. I-I don't know you." I whisper, feeling embarrassed. His warm eyes meet mine.
"Look, when I get you to your brother and friends, I'll leave. If that's what you want. But as long as we are together, don't be afraid. Don't feel scared of me. I'm here to protect you, Esme." he says softly. I nod.
"I'm sorry." I whisper. He puts the car and drive and we go on our way again.

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