Chapter Ten: Imprisonment

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I am thrown into a dark cell and I hear the loud clang as the metal bars slam shut. I allow my eyes to close and let myself drift away.
I stare at the paint chipped ceiling. The smell of body odor and mildew covered the mattress I was laying on. I had no blanket and no pillow but I didn't care.
"Platt. Get up." I hear someone say. I don't process any of it. I just stare at the paint chipped ceiling.
"She hasn't eaten for days." I hear someone else say.
"I don't care. Doesn't affect me. She'll be dead before her trial."
Their voices slowly drift away until there's nothing.
I feel myself being shaken. And then a small, sharp pain enters my stomach and my eyes snap open to see an old woman pinching me. Her grey hair is tied back and her navy uniform hangs loosely on her body.
"Get up! You'll get in trouble." she says. I turn away, trying to go back to sleep to get away from reality.
"No! Wake up!" she whispers, pulling me up to sit.
"Leave me alone." I whisper.
"You've had enough of that the last few days. Now eat." she says, placing a bowl of chowder in front of me. I stare at it blankly and she sighs.
"Oh for Pete's sake." she says, taking the full spoon and shoving it in my mouth. I cough on the intrusion but swallow the warm food anyways. My belly grumbles for more and my mouth waters. I take the spoon from her hand, eating the food quickly.
"Now what?" I ask once I finish.
"Now you wait for someone to get you." she says, slipping out of the cage and down the hall. A few moments later, a soldier enters the room and bangs his baton on the cage bars. I recognize him from the reform school.
"Remember me?" he asks with a smile. I look at the three white scars on his neck made by my fingernails on the day we were arrested.
"Jacob." I mumble. He nods.
"Well? Aren't you gonna say hello?" he asks. I glare at him. "Or even ask why I'm here?"
"Does it matter? I'm going to be killed anyways."
"That's morbid." he says.
"Am I wrong?" I ask, feeling annoyed. The thought of death doesn't scare me. The fact that I welcome it with open arms is what scares me. He opens the cell and grabs my arm, pulling me out and down the hall.
"Your trial has been moved to the end of this week." he says. We walk into an office and he shuts the door.
"Couldn't fit me in today?" I ask bitterly, looking around the room.
"Watch your mouth or you'll end up like your friend."
"Bella? You know Isabella Swan?" I ask, looking back at him.
"No. Classified content that I can't share with prisoners. Unless..." he trails off.
"Unless what?"
"I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you all about Isabella if you give me a kiss. Just one kiss." he says in a flirtatious tone. He presses his body against mine and I fight the urge to scratch him again.
"Back off or Ill scream." I growl at him.
"Ooh. I love it when you talk dirty." he says with a wink. I push him off of me and roll my eyes, looking around again. I spot a ring of keys on his desk and fight the urge to grab them and one. One of those has to open a door that can get me out. I feel something inside of me that I haven't felt in a long time. Hope. I have to live for Edward.
"Actually...I...I do have feelings for you, Jacob. But...I'm afraid of what will happen if someone were to find out." I whisper, fingering the jacket of his uniform.
"Don't worry. They won't find out." he says.
"Okay. But before we do anything...could you check outside for guards? I don't want to risk anyone walking in." I tell him. He looks hesitant but I kiss his cheek.
"Please." I whisper. He smiles and nods.
"Okay. Wait here." he says, walking out. Pathetic.
I quickly grab the keys and put them in the jacket I was given. I search through his drawers and find a map of the entire prison as well as the guard schedule. I smile and quickly close the drawer.
Just as I am about to sit down, I find a gun laying out. I quickly grab it, shoving it into my jacket as I sit on his desk. He walks in and smiles as he sees me swinging my legs and twisting my hair around my finger innocently.
He walks over to me and shoves himself between my legs, pulling me to the edge of the desk, toward him.
He grabs my face and smashes his lips against mine. He tasted wrong, smelled wrong, and I had to push back the vomit that threatened to spill into his mouth.
His hands were greedy as one held my back and the other dipped under my dress. He ran up my body, above my ribs, where I wouldn't want them to be. I quickly push him away.
"That's enough." I gasp.
"Not yet." he says, reaching for me again. I lift my foot up and place it on his crotch.
"I wouldn't." I threaten, making him laugh.
"If only Carlisle were here to see this. We wouldn't even have to kill him, he would off himself." he says laughing.
"Isabella Swan?" I ask.
"Rehab center in Chicago." I sigh with relief. Jumping down from his desk, I go to leave. He steps in front of me.
"Woah, you can't leave. A guy can't just shut down like that." he says, playing with my hair.
"You really want to risk getting caught?" I ask as I hear footsteps coming down the hall. He seems to hear it too as he sighs and steps away.
"You really are a tease, aren't you?" he asks. I push him away and escape into the hallway. Waiting was the hard part. The guard rotations are further apart at night, so that's what i'll wait for. At three am, a guard will pass by my cell. After that, I have an hour to get out before the next rotation.

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