Chapter 6: Magic

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Danny met the man's eyes and stated with hardened resolve, "Nightingale. Daniel James Nightingale."


Altair raised his brow as he recognized the name. This child was not a regular muggle. The Nightingales were a respectable Pureblood family in the North American continent. They were renowned by the Wizardry community during the 1600's for their extensive knowledge of Dark magic and have invented some of their own spells. But the family was said to have banished and no one has heard of them since.

"To think that the first American wizard I meet is from the infamous Dark family, Nightingale. I'm curious, though, for I thought the bloodline had already met its end." The man's predatory gaze examined the boy held at his mercy. "Nevertheless, I shall have the honor of killing off the last carrier of that name."

For a moment, Danny forgot his fear due to the strange man's comment. Wizard? Dark Family? What is he talking about?

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!!" Danny's let out a gasp as his arms were forcefully pulled to his side and his body was stiffly frozen in place. Altair grabbed Danny's shirt and ripped the front off, exposing the boy's bare chest.

"But before that, let me mark my prize first..." The man chuckled darkly as he whispered "Incendio" causing the tip of his wand to light aflame with an orange blaze.

Still frozen, Danny could only let out a small whimper, unable to do anything but watch as the man brought the flame closer to the boy. The Halfa let out a bloodcurdling scream of agony as the man pressed the burning wand onto his exposed flesh. Altair cackled at the boy's pain and relished the sound of his screams. Slowly, the Death Eater drew a crude replica of the Dark Mark onto the child's left chest, the brand will forever mark the boy's body.

Once he was finished, the man took a moment to appraise his work. The corner of his lips quirked upward in approval. "There. Now anyone who finds your corpse will know who purged the last of the Nightingales."

Altair patted the boy's cheeks lightly. Trailing his fingers down to the chin, he pushed it up to force the raven-haired child to focus on him. Smiling at the boy whose tears were streaming down his face from the pain, the man readied his wand for the final spell. "Send my regards to your family on the other side! AVADA KEDAVRA!!"

Having no energy to shield himself, Danny mentally braced himself for his death. I can finally join my family...

A jet of electric green light flashed out of the wand and sped towards the young halfa. His body was engulfed in the bright light, but it soon faded leaving not a single mark.

"What the-" The Death Eater exclaimed. Danny opened his eyes to see that he was unharmed.

"How? You should be dead! How did you survive from the Killing Curse?!" Altair spluttered, unnerved by the child's apparent survival. "Only The-Boy-Who-Lived should have survived from the curse!"

Danny pondered over this statement. Guess it can't kill a boy who is already dead... or half-dead.

Danny sighed, he was finally prepared to die too... and he went and lost the opportunity. Sorry guys it looks like you have to wait a little longer.

For a brief moment, the leader shook in slight fear. To think that there was another Boy-Who-Lived in the Americas. If the first one was the one who defeated the Dark Lord when he was only an infant... How powerful could this one be? It was then that he noticed the lack of a wand on the child.

He must not know that he is a wizard yet. If I were to kill him, now is my chance before he becomes too powerful.

 Altair looked around to see the current progress of his men. The other Death Eaters had already finished killing off most of Amity Park's population. Finished with their work, one of the Death Eaters cast the "Morsmordre" into the sky. The Dark Lord's symbol illuminated over Amity Park, the large ghostly serpent entwining its body around a skull's gaping mouth, leaving a terrifying message to the public. Done with their mission, the other Death Eaters had begun to flee the scene before any Aurors arrive. He too should leave soon. Better end this quickly.

He returned his attention to the still paralyzed boy. "No matter. If the Killing Curse won't work on you, there are still plenty of other spells at my disposal in which I can kill you with. The question is- which one should I use? ~"

Altair roughly grabbed Danny's hair and lifted the child up. "Should I bleed you out or strangle you to death? Or maybe cause all your innards to spill out from your gut?" He sneered at the halfa.

Then the man paused with his expression deep in thought. He grinned as his eyes lit up with sadistic excitement. "Oh, I know!! Serpensortia!"

A large glistening gray snake materialized onto Altair's arm. It poised its head at Danny, prepared to strike at the man's command. It bared its fangs, showing off its inky black mouth. A dark tongue slipped out of its mouth as it tasted the air with a chilling hiss. Unable to move away from the fearsome creature, Danny could only shiver in petrified distress.

The man stroked the snake's coffin-shaped head tenderly, "Want to know want kind of snake this is?" Without waiting for a reply, he continued on.

"This beauty is called the Black Mamba. She is capable of biting from a considerable range in rapid succession. Her venom is extremely potent... A bite from her will first cause pain and numbness at the bite site. Then comes a headache and a tingling sensation throughout the body. You will begin to sweat uncontrollably, foam at the mouth, convulse, and go into shock. Leading to death by asphyxiation and cardiovascular collapse. It will be a very beautiful and slow death, you will be aware the entire time as your body dies bit by bit from the suffocation of the cells." He cooed to the snake in a sickening manner.

The encroaching man brought the Mamba to the terrified boy's face. Danny could see the toxic venom well up and drip from the snake's revealed fangs.

Danny's eyes widened in horror as he comprehended what the fiendish man was about to do. No! No! NO!! The young halfa was fine with the concept of dying since he could finally be with his family, but not like this. He did not want to die in this manner; a slow and excruciating death was not his ideal way to go. He wanted to back away, scream, anything! But he was still under the blasted spell and couldn't move. He couldn't force the man back, for his ectoplasmic energy reserve was empty.

He was completely and utterly trapped.

The man extended his arm and the serpent reared its head up. With a hiss it struck, jaws opened as it targeted Danny's jugular. Danny squeezed his eyes shut as the snake sped towards him.

A deafening crack sounded as the snake bite the open air.

Danny was gone.


Author's Note: 6

Whew! Finally done with this chapter. How was the suspense?

Although it was hard, I thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter. I hoped this chapter was to your liking too!

Till next time~

last edited: 1/9/17

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