Startled Before Noon

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"Where is she?!"

"I don't know! She was in bed with me when I fell asleep last night?!"

"In WHAT-?!"

"No! Not like that! Literally just-"

Swatting at her brother with a limp wrist Taria took her frustrations out on her duped brother who simply flinched at each thwack she gave him.

"I don't know where she is I was so rudely awakened by you!" Lothar pushed off his sisters meager slaps only to have Taria whisk past him into his room.

"What is this?!" Taria held up the drained bottle of scotch from Lothar's desk. Shooting her brother a death glare with this dark brown eyes Lothar groaned.

Rubbing his palm over his face trying to wipe the sleepiness from himself Lothar only groaned once more, "It's a bottle of wine ok we-"

"I am no fool Lothar I can clearly read the label," Taria snapped angrily thrusting the bottle into her brothers chest with a huff.

"Yes alright it was a bottle of scotch," Lothar grasped the neck of the empty bottle and shook off his sister's berating tone, "We had a few drinks, she's a grown woman. The little monster and I just drank, talked and went to bed. That's it sister."

A tiff of a sigh and Taria closed her eyes and crossed her arms, "Did you sleep with her brother?"

"No, on mother and fathers gravestones Taria. The little monster even through up the scotch and I just helped her clean up and insisted she go to bed." Lothar shook his head as he right hand clasped over his chest resting above his heart.

"Then why were you in bed with her?" the pledge scrutinized by the Queen as she knew her brother's habits with women.

Groaning Lothar through his arms up in defeat and walked by his sister towards the chamber doors, "Because she was drunk and insisted. I was going to sleep in the chair over there," Lothar's finger pointed to the chair he'd spent part of the evening in with Fain, "What the-" A scowl crossed his weary face and Lothar turned on a dime to walk over to the chair by the fire place.

"Lothar?" Taria cocked a slender eyebrow at her brother.

"The book," Searching around the chair in case he'd sat it on the ground or it'd been knocked off, Lothar came up empty handed realizing his book was snitched while he slept, "The old parchment Khadgar had dug up from Karazhan, it's gone. I swore I-"

Taria came over to her brother inquiring what he was looking for, "Book?"

"Yes," Lothar's back was to his sibling as he knelt down stifling through any chance it'd slipped under the chair, "Text that the boy had found that mentioned all of these portals in Azeroth along with annotations on 'green magic' users such as the girl. It spoke more of these creatures in our world beyond our times."

Taria looked surprised at the existence of such a book and as she came around the small reading nook she shook her head, "I don't see any book at all Lothar, had Khadgar given it to you before he stormed off?"

"Yes of course," Lothar scratched his head, the King's mind easing awake now even after his sister had so rudely woken him at hardly past the ninth hour, "I was reading it last night while the little monster sat in the bath." The look he knew would be send his way was quickly cut down with a curt shake of the head, "She'd thrown up scotch on herself sister, I sat out here while she cleaned up."

Decidedly when the recollection of the King's heated moment with the intoxicated warlock cleared in his foggy mind, it was something he would tuck away in his mind and through away the key for no one to find out. That is if the woman had in fact been as drunk as she'd seem and the kiss would be forgotten like it never happened.

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