Don't Leave Before Dawn

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Swirling the brandy colored liquid in her glass, Fain listened to Lothar and Taria drone on about some important political moves that would have to be made in short order to assure Fain was welcomed with open arms into the Alliance territories. All in all the warlock knew what they spoke of was vastly critical but she couldn't focus. After the small music induced danced shared with the King and lastly with Khadgar. Including his sudden tense to kiss Fain in front of the King and Queen without question. The rest of the evening slurred as they all sat back down together and more drinks were passed around. Even after previous resentment Khadgar had down three glasses of the wine Taria insisted he try and continued to work on his third glass.

Interjecting what muddled help he could with the man's affinity with the Kirin Tor, Khadgar mostly sat beside the slumped over woman and played with her wavy locks of hair while Fain leaned into the table. Drawn out from a long long long past twenty four hours and the number of drinks she'd had not surpassing Lothar's but still Fain lost count after six. Along with sipping here and there on the different drinks Taria had brought out and tired by the group didn't help keep Fain as sharp as she should have been.

"Are you even listening little monster?" Lothar's stern voice rang through Fain's mind and she jolted up in her seat like she'd received a shock.

"Lothar it's late, let us wait until morning to make any definitive steps in Fain's residence here," The Queen cast a weary look over to her brother. Who'd remained peculiarly reserved after the younger children went to bed and left only the four of them awake.

Toying with the lip of his mug Lothar's jaded eyes were set forward with no particular item in his line of sight, "Perhaps you're right," Reaching up Lothar mindlessly wiped his mouth before looking across at the bedraggled woman propped up against the table and the just as depleted mage sitting beside her. Lothar's verdant eyes lingering on Fain until she looked up at him. It was obvious she was a little intoxicated but Lothar flashed on her last approach to drinking and was thankful she had kept it down this time.

"My King, it is very late. There's nothing yet we can do until a meeting is called to favor Fain's alliance with the races," Khadgar had broke Lothar's concentration on Fain and the King's eyes shifted over to the man beside her, "Perhaps we pick this up tomorrow morning? When a call can be sent out to all the councils."

Exhaling slowly Lothar rubbed his face once again, staving off his own fatigue slowly failing, "The boy is right." Taria nodded to Khadgar and she stood coming behind Lothar. Laying a hand on his shoulder the woman squeezed her brothers shoulder and looked to the others.

"Would you like any help to your barracks my dear Fain?" Taria posing the question seeing how tired the woman was just at the table.

Fain shook her head and perked up as she scooted back to stand, "I'm not as drunk as I am tired My Queen. Thank you though."

Lothar saved a look in her general direction. Fain affording the King a sweet tired smile as she pushed in her chair. Taking a breath Lothar pushed away from the table and rose to his sisters side. Giving a curt nod to mage and warlock Lothar offered them a conjoined good night with Taria as well. Khadgar arouse lastly bowing to his King and Queen as they moved forward out of the room. Fain following Taria as all four filed out of the room.

"Good night my sweetheart," Taria hugged Fain tight and kissed the side of her head like she'd done with her kids.

"Good night Queen Taria," Fain returned quietly as she embraced the woman.

Khadgar offered a bow and kissed the top of his Queen's hand. Lothar muted before Fain, his face set in a stern line. Confused about his rigidness that'd progressed throughout the evening, Fain gave him a frank look not sure if she was to bow or anything. His eyes unwavering for a fleeting second before wrapped his arms around the woman. Burying his face in her hair as Lothar took her snuggly to his chest.

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