You're coming home

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I would rather die

 a meaningful death 

than to live

 a meaningless life


Harper's Pov

-A few weeks later-

"Come on Miko" I groan trying to drag her from her pool of blankets "I made pancakes," I say trying to make her move.
"But I wanna sleep" She moaned yawned onto the side of the bed for dear life.
"Right that's it!" I pick her up and put her over my shoulder.
"Let me down! Let me down" She squealed flailing to get out of my grasp.
I just laugh and place her on the chair next to me before setting a pile of pancakes and syrup in front of her.
A pout had been painted on her face and she mumbled something but began eating regardless.
We sat there eating, talking, smiling about random things that she liked doing.
Little did I know this was seconds before the worst event that would ever happen to me.
This was the start of a life time of pain and tears and guilt.

The door was thrown off its hinges and a huge brown mutt bounded across the small space.
"MIKO MOVE!" I screamed as loud as I could but it was too late.
It had already got her.
Its dark red soulless eye dared me as it stood still a second and it's grotty flea bitten coat lashing in the cold wind.
Then it was gone.
In seconds, the world around me was in fast forward as I sprinted after the beast that took my daughter.
Everything was in slow motion yet I could not make anything out of the blur but the two figures ahead of me.
"MUMMY HELP ME" Her cries were desperate and my heart shattered as slowly the wolf began to get further and further away.
My feet slammed aginst the rough floor of the woods cutting the palm of my feet and I felt the blood trickle down it.
But I couldn't let it stop me.
Not now.
"MIKO IM COMING!" I cry but a huge weight bounced me into a tree.
The pain came crashing down on me as my head smashed into the trunk of the lump of oak.
"MUMMY NO! GET UP! HELP ME PLEASE!" My head span and the last thing I saw was her eyes.
Her teary eyes overflowing with fear and despair.
I felt hopeless and pathetic.
I felt like I had let her down.
And I had.
Black began to engulf my vision as I cried out with the small hope it was just a dream.
That when I would wake up she would be next to me and it would have all just been a very very bad dream.
But it wasn't...

And I was never going to see her ever again...


A blanket of white had been laid over my shaking body.
Pathetic sobs flowed through my body as well as an overwhelming hopelessness.
Like a ton of bricks, all the memories had fallen on me and the weight of it all was preventing me from getting up.
The small white crystals froze my already numb skin.
Tears warmed my flushed red cheeks and didn't stop.
My legs were shaking from the cold and I had to use a tree to support myself and haul myself up off the ground.
"MIKO!" I screamed my voice cracking halfway through.
I had forgotten which way I had come from and had never ventured this far into this side of the woods before.
It was all new.
My voice bounced back off the trees mimicking me and taunting my failure.
"MIKO PLEASE" I cried slumping back into the cold lumps of ice "please"
I whisper letting the final tears fall from my eyes.
I knew those few weeks were just too good to be true.
Nothing in my life was ever going to stay good and I should have accepted that by now.
The branches of the trees drooped with despair and the icicles that had formed hung their heads in shame.
There was nothing but the sound of my bare feet padding along the blanket of white.
I was shaking, teeth chattering and the snow pricked my skin warning me to go home before I froze to death.
But I was...I was...
I was so lost and cold and alone.
My calls were swallowed by the silence of the woods and my tears were all dried up or frozen.
The thin layer of clothing I had on were my pj's.
In my rushed attempt to save Miko I didn't change or put on shoes.
I laugh at my stupidity.
I couldn't protect myself let alone a small child from a wolf.
I was an idiot for thinking, even trying to help her.
Failing to find anything remotely familiar I collapsed inti the frost bitten floor.
Somehow I felt another flow of tears fall from my weary eyes.
Crawling to the bottom of the tree I slipped under the huge weaved roots and curled into a ball.
I opened my mouth and let our one last cry that turned into a desperate scream into an animalistic howl of despair.
Hiccuping I let myself drift in and out of consciousness not caring about anything anymore.
Then Hayden popped into my head.
I realized how much I missed the idiot and my heart ached and twisted in pain.
Without realizing I let out another desperate cry before giving into the cold.
Emotionally and physically I was drained.
My muscles were screaming and aching after running for god knows how long and my mind knowing I will never see Miko and Hayden ever again.
I died alone and lost...
Wait to go Harper.

"HARPER!" A cry made my eyes shoot open and i tried desperately to move.
"HEYDEN!" I cried but it only came out as a whisper.
I kicked my legs as hard as i could and waved my arms trying to gain his attention.
My whole body was aching and almost completely impossible to move.
"HARPER" The voice was almost right next to me and i cried.
I cried out as loud as my body would let me.
Feeling my feet being tugged at i was pulled out from under the weave of roots.
"Oh god Harper" All at once i was surrouded by a bubble of warmth and i relaxed into it.
I peeled my eyes open to notice I was hugging Heyden's chest and was wearing his coat.
"T-they got her" I whimpered closing my eyes.
"It's okay baby we are bringing you home baby" He hugged me closer holding me bridal style.
Tears fell from his eyes causing a jolt of guilt and pain to flow through my limp body.
"N-no! T-they go-got her" I tugged on his shirt as he moved.
"Who? Who got who?" He questioned placing me in the front of his truck.

"Wolf...The wolf got my Miko" I cried before falling into a pool of black.


So someone stole Miko but who?

Anyway sorry, these chapters are really bad but I'm trying!

Also, im updating a lot because it's the Christmas holidays.


Make sure to spend it with your family guys and enjoy it while you still can.




-Tasha xox


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