Part 1

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English isn't my native language. I have mistakes, I know. I'm trying my best! Thank you. 

"You can't cut our budget again," Will continued arguing, gesticulating with his hands. Whenever Will Schuester defended his point of view, Figgins would throw his head back and give him a tired and bored look on his face, because he couldn't change a thing, "Last year you said—" he continued, but not for long.

"—Oh, shut up, William," moaned Sue, and closed her eyes for a second, "Your stupid gay glee club doesn't deserve a single dollar from great American, please note, tolerant state."

Sue Sylvester as usual was sitting on the couch, legs crossed, fingers intertwined. She was wearing a smug smile. Her enemy was sitting on a black chair, turned to Figgins.

"Wait, you— " Schuster shook his head and tried to collect his thoughts. Then, he looked at the principal, "What is she doing here?"

"Couldn't miss your fail", she smiled.

"No, Sue!" Figgins finally joined in and leaned a little bit forward, "This crisis applies to all of the clubs in McKinley, not just glee. The cheerleaders will be also left without a bus. I'm sorry, but my hands are tight."

If Will is completely calm, although he wasn't happy about the news, this does not mean that Sue will be calm as well. Oh God, have she ever been okay about something? We know the answer.

"You have no rights," she said.

"No, Sue. I have no money. Rights is only thing that have in this school," 

She gave Figgins a very angry look and then stood up, headed for the exit. But before leaving, she tried to play with Schuester's hair. Hell no. He immediately moved his head and clenched his teeth, waiting door to slam.

But just door wasn't enough. She caught in her hands two or three students and pushed them to the lockers. Their bags end up on the floor. Books, food, everything. All flew in different directions. Figgins saw this nightmare through the transparent door, so he opened his mouth in shock. Schuster didn't have to see, he knew what was happening behind his back. Again. Imagining how guys will be pissed because of selling cakes, he took a deep breath and pulled his head down. No matter how glee kids are good, they can't get enough respect.

A hurricane named Sue raced down the hallway before Rachel came in. With her sure step she went deeper into the hallway, smiling to herself. Hell, for a very long time she wasn't feeling this good.

Yes, I know something is wrong with Finn. I think he started seeing Quinn again. They were looking at each other very strange yesterday when they were singing. First, I allowed myself to cry all the tears over movie "The notebook" and then I listened to all Barbra Streisand's songs and realized that life does not stop on Finn. It doesn't stop on anybody. If I want to become a star, relationships can not be in the first place. They are not supposed to be in my life at all. Here I am, proudly walking to the choir room, inspired by the legend of show-buiss...

Like in slow motion, cold and liquid slushie flew right in her face. The smile started to fade away as her new gray sweater started to absorb red juice. This is awful. She is cold already. Rachel always tried to crouch and clench her teeth when danger in the cups was arriving. This time, she got lost in thoughts.

"Strawberry! Your favorite," athletes laughed, as they were leaving from the frozen in place girl.

The drink was starting to burn her eyes and cause an unpleasant feeling on the back of her head. God, this watering was very successful. For the footballers. They managed to mess up hair, to get dirty her sweater and victim got slushied before closing her eyes. Other students silently hid behind the doors of lockers.

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