Chapter 2

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I woke up. My buttery eyes widen to see Mitch and Jerome standing beside the bed. Some guy in people by an inchanting table and a human in black sades and a amulet with grey clothing sitting to the side.

" she's up" Jerome spoke. "So u budder hybrid think u can go around punching and kicked a bacca now." the one in the glasses said standing. "ok so I'm Jerome. This is mitch sky and Seto." Jerome said I tryed to get up but I was strapped onto the bed. I pointed my hand tworn the strap seeing if that would help but to my surprise it truned to... Budder??

"Th-the chosen one. How?" sky stumbled over his words finally I stood and they all came exept Seto and looked at me. I keeped taking steps back. Then I got frighted. Clenching my hands in a fist I hit mitch in the tummy and he fell gasping for air. Jerome tried to grab me but then I pushed his foot away making him fall to the ground. Before he got up I punched him in the back making Jerome passed out and Mitch still gasping for air. Sky ran to me but I bent down making him hit the wall but he did not do anything. He tried again this time I put my arm out making him hit it and falling to the ground. (an yes a wall wont hurt sky but a arm will lol). I jumped on top of him pinning him to the ground that's when sky yelled "budder fox listen to me, ur not here to be hurt we need u we think u are the chosen one." then I replayed "THEN WHY WAS I STRAPPED TO A TABLE." "let's see looks like Mitch is gasping for air and Jerome is passed out." sky said. But I lost it and punched sky in the face causing his nose to bleed. I got off of the now trying to get up sky and looked at the frighted SETO who looks about the age as be a just spawned like me. Then I whisperd "I can't handle it." I fell to the ground witch is now ice. I can't hanld it anything I touch turns into what I'm thinking of. Then it came to me a looked at Seto pointed my hand tord Mitch Jerome and Sky. Sky looked and yelled "DON'T DO IT". But it was to late I thought og what I wanted to spawn then flying from my hand was a potion of regeneration. In a moment Mitch was just sitting against the wall Jerome was behind him and sky was standing beside them. I looked back to see seto looking surprised then I said "looks like there will be more then one sorcerer." I smiled at him then he smiled back then Jerome yelled "THE AMOUNT OF LOVD IN THIS ROOM!" I looked at him and gave him the 'you should not have done it' look. I looked at Jerome and made ice all round him making sky and mitch tp behind me. Me sky SETO and mitch stared to crack up every time Jerome would slip. Then finally Jerome got to the end and I tp him back to the start new were all laughing so hard at this point so I melted the snow. He came out I stood and I stood infrint of him. He leaned in and kissed me. Then he just ran away.




Me:hey Seto if u you where to pikle anything why would u pikle

SETO: I would pikle a cucumber cause thennit would be a pikle

Me:how about u squid

Squid: skydoes minecraft I bet he would taste like pulled butter

Sky:HEY and ya proble I would fo the Same as seto



Me: well If I got to pikle anything I would pikle a pikle cause it would taste more like a pikle but it is not a pikle but the question still stands why? Cause if u pikle a pikle it would taste more like a pikle and did u know if all the prisoners in the world where turtles there would be lots of turtles. *smiles at epic way to confuse people*

Sky: who up for coos and robbers


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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