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|🎗 June Aaliyah Parrish. 🎗|

chapter two: pretty bird

humming to a random Alicia Keys song that played through out my room I hung up my nirvana poster on my wall. I woke up extra early to finish putting my posters around my wall and get ready for my first day of my senior year.

"June come on we're going to be late!" I heard my dad yelling making me get down from the step stool. Grabbing my bag I made sure I had everything before going downstairs.

"Don't you think you should've put on a full shirt" was the first thing that came out my moms mother when I made my way into the kitchen. I had on a black crop top half sleeve shirt that said "All Black" on the front it with a pair of black distressed jeans and my 2014 Jordan retro dirty bred on. I had a mixture of different color bracelets on my wrist to cover my scars and a red varsity jacket on.

"She looks fine Janice" my dad mumbled drinking his coffee.

"you should get going to the bus its gonna leave soon and you don't wanna miss it"

"Are you taking me to the bus stop dad?"


"No you can walk, lord knows you need the exercise" Her intentions was to mumble that last part but I heard what she said loud and clear. Instead of asking for some lunch money I just got the directions to the bus stop and left without another word.

Prepping myself from the dirty stares and nasty comments I walked up to the group Kids who were standing in front of a park and of course all eyes were on me.

If it wasn't my clothes then it was my hair. If it wasn't my hair it was my skin color. If it wasn't my skin color it was my weight. People seemed to find something wrong with anything about me.

I was always a little bit over weight. I came out 9 pounds and have always been big. Growing up I didn't have much both of my parents were unemployed and we stayed with my auntie until I was about nine years old. Finally having my own room and not having to wear too little hammy Downs I was happy. My dad is an architect and my mom is an insurance saleswoman. They both have good paying jobs that requires their full attention. I couldn't tell you the last time we have had a family day. My mom had always hated me, when I was a baby I don't remember her holding me or taking care of me it has always been my dad. I think she resists me because when she got pregnant with me she lost her record deal. I have seen many videos of my mom singing and I get my voice from her. She had the pipes of a angel.

Other than having my own insecurities about my weight and my skin tone, I sing, write poetry and paint. I once wanted to be a model but when seven and I told my mom "mommy I want to be a model when I get older" she said and I quote "nobody wants a dark skin pig on the cover of their magazine you belong behind a desk, better yet on a corner" that crushed my dreams.

Being the last one on the bus, the chattering got quiet as I made my way to a seat.

"Oh hell Nah" This boy said as I was about to sit next to him so he moved giving me the whole seat to myself. Blocking out all the nasty comments that I heard about my size I put in my headphones. Looking to the empty space next to me I imagined what Jaime would say if she was with me.

"Don't listen to them dumb fucks your not fat mama your thick and they just hating cuz the girls wish they were you and the boys wish they could have a bad bitch like you"

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