Chapter 14

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"So, let's go over this Jericho." Sapphire began, her words like venom. "You poisoned two kids because of what someone crazy chick told you, I bring you with me so that they don't get hurt, you pissed me off relentlessly, and to top it off you lost one of them to piss me off even more."

"Oh what's the kid gonna do? He's in the middle of a forest." Jericho tried to defend himself.

"That's the point! The kid is in the middle of a forest! He could get hurt!"

"Since when do you care about other people?"

"I'm shocked at your words." She crossed her arms. "If you haven't realized I love children."

Nina just looked at them both. ". . . Are you two married? Cause papa tells me a marry couple talk a lot like this."

They both looked at her. Sapphire got a little blush. She then punched Jericho in the gut, as she turned away to hide her face.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"D-don't make a child think we are. . . You know. . . Like that c-cause we aren't."

Jericho just looked confused. Wondering what in the world got into Sapphire, and why he got punched. Though soon his thoughts got interrupted as the sound of the door being kicked down. Before Sapphire could grab Nina she ran over to it.

"Daddy!!" She exclaimed excitedly hugging him.

Vincent hugged her tightly. "Hey, squirt. Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh! Auntie Sapphire has been taking care of me."

". . . Who?"

"That would be me." Sapphire walked over, unamused. "Now, Nina come her-"

Instantly Vincent growled holding onto her tighter. "Don't touch my daughter!"

"Like you have a right to claim her, you were too bust smoking and being in bed with people to pay any attention to her!"

Vincent and Sapphire continued to yell at each other back and forth. Claiming about if Nina should stay with her father or not. Angelica just rolled her eyes at the childishness that played out.

"If you care about Nina so much, then why nkt work for me?" She optioned out.

"What!?" both Jericho and Avaont exclaimed.

"She's insane!" Avaont exclaimed.

"I'm not one to work with. . . People like you." Jericho pointed out.

Sapphire thought about this long and hard. She didn't know if she would be able to stand working with people who weren't about getting their way and murder. She leaned against a wall as the boards creaked behind her. "hmm. . ." she tapped her chin.

"Please?" Nina asked her. "Then me and you can play everday!" Nina said her little tail wagging.

Sapphire smiled. "Alright, Jericho let's do it. Then we can kill Scarlet."


"Did it seem like I was asking for your opinion?"

Jericho just shut his mouth. He knew the demon was pissed off at him more than it should be. He is just lucky he is even still alive it seems like. He agrees to join though anyways, with a little nod.

Angeliva was delighted by the news. "Thank goodness, and I thought more blood will be spilling."

Jullian went over to Nina. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I left you alone, but-"

Nina giggled and ruffled Jullian's hair with her tail wagging. "Why are you apologizing silly? I was never in danger." She told him, and as she saw a slight frown appear on his face. She added in quickly. "But, I am glad that you were worried about me."

Jullian's face lit up, and he gave a sweet smile. "Yeah, we are best friends of course."

Saphire gushed over the two small children. "They are so cute!" She was happy that she could at least be a part in their lives. Then, she looked at everyone else with a wicked smile. "I'll see you back at Miss. Celeste's mansion!" With those last words she vanished.

Angelica just shrugged it off and took everyone back home.


Once, everyone got back at the mansion ettled back at the mansion, Saphire came back. Her dress was soaked with blood, and she was busy trying to get the dry crimson cluds out of her hair. She smiled at everyone though. "Hiya!"

Jericho just looked at her. "Did you kill Scarlet? And Tristan?" saphire gave him a little nod. Which made Jericho sighed. "Why?"

Saphire clicked her tongue at the roof of her mouth. "She poisoned two kids, which you so happen to lend to her." Added in shrug she continued. "She deserved it anyways."

"Right, well glad you having to work with us." Angelica said.

"Besides the part where you kidnapped my child." Vincent muttered to himself.

Nina on the other hand was super happy. She felt like she had everything she needed. Her entire pack was here, and just one piece seemed to be missing. She couldn't put her finger on it quite yet. She ran through her head all she had till a light bulb struck into her little head. Dashed towards her father, and begged him to pick her up.

Vincent, gladly picked up his little girl. "What is it, Nina?"

"Daddy why don't I have a mommy?" Nina asked bluntly.

Vincent looked at her for a while. He didn't know how to answer that question. "Well, uh, you see your moth-" He was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Oh, hey Nina, why don't we answer that instead?" he tried changing the subject as he carried her to the door.

When he opened it. He saw a woman with white long hair, and pale skin. She had emerald green eyes. She wore a black dress that flowed down gracefully, hiding her legs. The top of her dress seem to be hugging her tightly. She looked up at Vincent and smiled. "It's been a while, huh? I'm glad I can see you again though!"

The words choked up in his mouth, and he had a hard time speaking. His eyes were just wide and filled with shock. Tears perking to come out. Nina looked back at the strange woman then back at her father confused. The only thing that seemed to choke out of his mouth was one word. "N-Nura?"

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