Chapter 13~ Kyle Has Something Up His Sleeve

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(Andrew P.O.V.)~

I stand up and drag Kyle to the garage and put him in a dog cage I found behind a neighbors' backyard. I lock the cage with a lock I had. The cage was pretty big. I simply just walk out and close the door behind me. I walk up the stairs to see my (Y/N) again. I walk up to her room and hear her mumbling and groaning. She was starting to wake up.

After a few mumbles and groans she starts to open her eyes. "Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?" I ask her as I stroke her cheek. "W-where am I?" She asks as she looks around her room. "You are home, honey. There is nothing to worry about." "W-what did you do to Kyle?" I simply just look at her. Her face is getting all red.

"You don't ever mention him by his name. Ever."

"what should I call him then?"



"Are you arguing with me?"


"Good girl."

Her eyes are so beautiful. I love and enjoy looking into them all the time. Yet, I would love it even more if they were filled with joy, and happiness. Not fear, and sadness. (A/N~ wow, that rhymed :D.) "(Y/N). Sweetheart. You should be happy. I am trying to make you happy. Don't look so defensive." She starts to cry. I hold her face in my hands and wipe the tears away with my thumbs. I take one hand away and move the hair out of her face. "A-Andrew. I-I'm scared." I pull her into my chest, and sit her on my lap. She buries her head into my chest.

"Shhhh. It's gonna be ok. I won't let anything bad happen to my little girl." I say to her, trying to calm her down. This goes on for about five minutes.

I lay her back down on the bed. I take a hair tie from her wrist and tie her hair back (A/N~ if your hair is shorter, just skip that part about the hair tie)

Then, I hear a bang in the garage...

(A/N~ omg! Hi everyone! How are you all liking the story so far? I know this was a short chapter, but I would like some suggestions!

Oh. And sorry for my bad grammar, too!

Also, let me know if you are team Andrew, or team Kyle! Anyway. Leave me more suggestions so I can hopefully give you all a longer chapter! Alright. Byeee!)

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