Part 1

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I was running through the woods when I hear a twig snap. It was right behind me. I turn around and see nothing but pitch black. I turn around quickly and start running for my life. The fear was coursing through my veins. I hear a vicious growling at me and that's when I got tackled to the ground and I scream as those canines bites me in the shoulder. I scream and that's when I fell on the floor.
I hear my brother Jacob laughing at me in the door way. I look at him and growl as I throw my pillow at him. He catches it easily snickering. "Happy 18th sis." I glare and get up as I was to my bathroom.
I do my business and look in the mirror. My fangs were out and so were my wings. You see the thing is I'm a vampire and angel hybrid that runs from a wolf or in my case a werewolf.

When I'm anger my blood red eyes show. When I'm scared my eyes turn hazel. Although my eyes are a natural sky blue. My curly blond hair goes down to my knees as I start to comb it and braid it. I think of how my wings are a pretty light lavender color.
According to my parents when you turn 18 you'll mate and in this case I'm nervous for today because today I will find him.
I go to closet and pick out a sparkling silver shirt and white jeans. I put on my crystal that protects me from the sun light. My brother has his but when we got attacked by wolves it was shattered.
I look in the mirror and see that my human self is back and that I got once am not wearing non revealing clothes.
I go down the stairs and grab something from the kitchen to eat and hear a loud honk outside. I grab my bag and go out to see my best friend Cassie. I hop in and smile at her. She hands me a coffee cup with vanilla latte in it. She hands me a box as well and signaled to open it. I do and it's a best friend wing bracelet and it's the color of her wings. And she has one on that is the color of my wings. I smile at her and give her a hug saying thank you.

Ofeellia and Tyler book 1Where stories live. Discover now