Alanyas fan fic part 2- chapter 1

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Chapter 1..

2 years later

Me and Niall had been together for nearly 3 years now we was happily loved up, sometimes it was hard having him travel round all the time. He had just finished his first world tour ever, he was currently on the plane home to Ireland to see his family he now had a month's break to do whatever he wanted. I was packing my clothes as I was off to Ireland for 2 weeks to see him while I was off college it was February half term, I got all my clothes and threw them in the suitcase closed it and carried it downstairs looked at my clock I was just on time so I took my suit case to the car and put my case in the boot, then drove to the airport. I was just on time I hated flying to Ireland as when I was in Ireland I didn't have a car, so it meant I had to ask Niall for lifts all the time which he didn't mind but I hated bothering him. This time however I was one step ahead and had planned to rent a car Niall didn't know yet, I hadn't told him my flight details so he couldn't pick me up which he wasn't impressed about but I guessed he would go home and straight to bed he was on his way home from America, I felt sorry for him he sounded exhausted from all the touring but he had insisted I came to Ireland as soon as he was back, cos he missed me. Which I had missed him to I hadn't seen him for 2 months! We spoke everyday on Skype or just on the phone, it was hard but we made it work cos we were in love. I got on the plane and flew over to Ireland I spent ages signing papers for my car, after I got my car I drove to Nialls house it was a 30 minute drive I was so excited to see him when I pulled up at his house there were lots of fans which moved out of the way for me to drive past. I went over to greet them an take pictures with them if they wanted me to. The screams got louder I automatically knew Niall would be walking over to me, his hands spun me round and kissed me urgently then picked me up and spun me round

"Hey princess how are you? I have missed you so much!" His smile was dazzling

"Hey baby, I'm amazing I had missed you too much!! How are youu? I was so excited to see him I nearly screamed he said hi to the fans took a few pictures with them then after 30 mins he went and got my suit case out the car and took it inside for me it was now 3 pm we were both so tired though so we got a take away then went to bed at 8 pm. The next morning I woke up at 12 pm feeling fresh Niall was asleep so I just got up and went down to see his family and get some breakfast, as I was cooking breakfast for me and Niall his mum came in and she was speaking to me about general things like what I'd been up to and about my family. I cooked me and Niall a full English breakfast knowing he would be hungry so I took it up to his room. He looked so cute asleep I felt bad about waking him up but I knew he would rather eat than sleep so I nudged him and told him to get up so he did he opened his eyes looked at me then his eyes made their way to the food on the side and his face lit up

"Breakfast in bed, with my princess I could get used to this!" He teased

"You’re cooking tomorrow" I teased back winking  

"Ok I will then" he said before smirking at me

"Oh I might hold you to that babe" I said before kissing him on the lips passionately he pulled me onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me and continued to work his lips to mine they were soft and plump I missed the feel of them on mine. After a few minutes I pulled back I heard his stomach growl I knew he was hungry so I grabbed his plate and handed it to him which he took gladly and started eating. It was like a race to see who could it the quickest after about 5 minutes we had eaten all the food. We went down to see his family and watched films with them

"So when are the others coming down then" Nialls mum asked

"They will be coming on Friday then going home on Monday" Niall replied

"What the others are coming?" I asked excitedly

"Oh sorry babe I forgot to tell you, yer they are coming for a long weekend" he answered

"YAY!" I squealed in excitement I hadn't seen the boys for 3 months, and I hadn't seen Imogen and Aimee in 2 weeks they had been away with the boys. I couldn't get time of to away with them which I was gutted about. It was a Saturday night so we all stayed in had a takeaway for tea and we got Niall to tell us all the details about his tour. We all had a few drinks and Niall took me up and said we needed an early night I had never blushed so much! He lead me upstairs to the bedroom I was slightly drunk when we got in the room. I turned round to face him his lips where on mine quickly and urgently his hands went from my face down my back and pulled my top over my head then he pulled into him. His hands went down my back and to the tops of my thighs before he grabbed them then pulled me up I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the bed before putting me down on the bed a climbing on top of me removing his shit in the process. His body had changed he had been working out I could feel his muscles as my hands roamed his skin.

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