Alanyas fan fic part 2- chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 She hesitated for a few minutes before saying "Well no one knows apart from us, Aimee and Zayn had been arguing a lot while we were away. And now well there not together anymore, everyone’s still in shock. Zayn has gone straight home they are both upset about it cos off how long they were together but it’s for the best."

"What" I couldn't get over it they were perfect together! I knew they argued but they always worked it out in the end, it was nothing like this usually

"It’s true, Danielle and Liam have been arguing a lot recently as well!, maybe it’s a good thing she has gone to London they could do with some time apart. Well that's if they get back together.." She trailed off I just looked at her unable to listen to her any more. So I started the car and started driving I had to get back to Nialls, Aimee needed me!

"That's for filling me in!" I whispered to her

The car ride back to the house was silent and quick, when we pulled up I ran straight into the house the boys where sat watching telly not saying much they all looked exhausted.

"She's up stairs" Niall said looking at me, I ran straight up stairs she was in the spear room with Imogen hugging her, he eye red and mascara all down her face she was still crying

"Imogen, babe could you leave us alone please" I asked she nodded her head and left the room

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed

"Don't you dare say sorry!" I shouted back to her

"But I'm ruining the holiday" she sobbed

"No your not don't be stupid! Your my best friend and I love you! I heard what happened how are you?" I asked feeling stupid I could she was heartbroken

"I have felt better" she added lightly "it’s for the best, we were making each other’s lives miserable we both deserve better!"

"I'm sorry I can see your gutted! But if you think it’s for the best I will stand by you, your amazing you will get someone soon!" I added trying to make her feel better

"I just need some time alone I'm so tired" she hinted

"Ok babe night, if you need anything just shout me" I said before walking out the room and closing the door behind me. My heart sank I hated her being upset and I couldn't do anything to help her, I just made my way downstairs to see everyone had cheered up a bit not like before. Imogen was sat on Harry’s knee he was playing with her hair whilst they watched telly, Louis and Eleanor where snuggled up on the other sofa talking, Niall and Liam where talking about Danielle. Liam didn't look happy at all he looked upset. I went over and sat on the arm of the chair next to Niall

"How is she?" Liam asked

"She's ok I supposes she just gone to sleep, she's exhausted" I answered I felt everyone’s eyes on me so I half smiled then they continued with their conversations. I sat with Niall and Liam they talked while I watched the telly, when it got to 5 pm I walked out the house got in the car and went to get food, then Niall text me 'sorry babe I know it’s hard Zayn’s my friend so I know how you feel, hope your ok, that will never happen to us! I promise I love you babe <3' I then felt guilty about just walking out so I text him back 'I know babe I just feel helpless!, I will be home soon just getting some food, I know it won't I love you to babe <3'. I got us all pizza and went to the shop to buy alcohol from the looks of things we would need some! When I got back everyone’s faces lit up at the sight of pizza which made me laugh! We all helped ourselves to a few slices then everyone decided it was time to go bed cos they were tired me and Niall where wide-awake but went up to 'bed' anyway. Saturday morning I woke up at 10 am so I went down stairs to see if anyone was up, when I got down stairs Liam was sat in the living room I could hear him on the phone he sounded angry. So I went straight to the kitchen not wanting to disturb him I tried not to listen to the conversation but I couldn’t help it he was shouting so loud I’m surprised the others were still asleep.  ‘DANIELLE you choose to go to England and we both know the real reason don’t we! Oh don’t tell lies danielle you couldn’t wait to get back to him! You do know he doesn’t want you he’s got a girlfriend, FRIENDS HAR HAR MY ARSE!  If you want him you can have him I couldn’t give a shit to be honest,  yer I gathered I don’t want to speak to you again either. I couldn’t get over it I heard footsteps thundering towards the kitchen so I pulled the eggs bacon sausage and mushrooms out of the fridge

“oh erm did you hear that then” Liam asked I looked up at him he was clearly surprised to see me in the kitchen, I just nodded

“sorry I didn’t mea-“

“it’s ok, I’m just sorry you had to hear it” limas voice was strained I just stared at him then picked up my keys and put the food back in the fridge

“come one” I said walking to the door

“Where we going?” he asked looking confused I smiled half-heartedly he just followed me I got in the car and so did he. We drove for 5 minutes in silence

“come one then, what’s up dude” I asked I looked over to him he now started to look upset

“It’s ok I don’t want to bother you with my problems” his voice broke at the end I could tell he was upset

“Well let’s do a deal,” he looked up confused I just smiled before continuing “were going bowling if I win you tell me everything, and well if you win then you can choose what you want to do and I won’t question it at all or ever ask again” I was pleased with my idea I just had to make sure I won.

“ok then” he said looking up at me and smiling he seemed slightly happier.  When we pulled up at the bowling it was only 11 am and there weren’t any free lanes, so we said we would wait until Liam took his glasses of the woman behind the counter nearly fainted.

“do you think you could maybe cancel someone session please” he pleaded flashing he the cutest smile ever surely she couldn’t resist I wouldn’t have been able to resist either

“we don’t usually do this but see lane 9 on the end it was saved for someone but I’m sure they won’t mind waiting for a bit longer” she smiled widely

“thanks babe” he replied winking at her “oh and can you keep quiet about it being me please would mean a lot”

“ok” she managed to choke out. Liam put his glasses on and we asked for our shoes I had my fingers crossed that I would win. The game was going well we was on the same score and there was only one more go left. I took my 1st turn and only got 3 shit I could lose, I took my next turn and got 5 now alls that I could do was hope he did worse. He took his 1st turn and got 2 ‘yes!’ I screamed in my head I couldn’t help but laugh then Liam smirked at me and then rolled his next ball.

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