Alanyas fan fic part 2- chapter 4

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Chapter 4

His ball hit right down the middle knocking 8 down

“YEAH!!” he shouted jumping up and down

“shit!”I moaned maybe my idea wasn’t so good but at least he looked happier now so I couldn’t help but laugh at his victory dance

“come one then let’s go!” I said getting up from my seat and walking over to the counter to change my shoes he followed laughing behind me we changed our shoes and went back into the car.

“Thanks Alanya, I had a amazing time just what I needed thank your an amazing friend, and Niall is lucky to have a girl like you” Liam said smiling at me, I blushed

“I had fun and your an amazing boy, the right girl is waiting for you somewhere and when you find her she’s going to be the luckiest girl in the world!” I stated flashing him a wink we started driving home the music playing and we both sang along to it.  We pulled up outside the house and he grabbed my arm as I was about to bet out so I turned to look at him confused

“Can go McDonalds and get them lot something to eat I’m starving as well” he asked rubbing his neck he seemed nervous or agitated I couldn’t quiet put my finger on it but I agreed and started driving to the nearest McDonalds

“right I know you wanted to win the bowling, and I was going to let you win but I decided I would win I needed cheering up and seeing your face drop did that. But i was always going to tell you I was just waiting for you to ask me, but you never did so for that I thank you”

“it was part of the deal remember” I winked at him reminding him

“I know but you didn’t have to stick to the deal, so I’m going to tell you what’s happened seen as I need some advise and you and Niall seem to still be going strong so you are obviously are doing something right.  Me and Danielle have been going through a really hard patch but it’s being going on for ages now and we are both just physically drained from all the arguing. it started when she told me she couldn’t make it cos of dance then there was pictures of her and this lad called martin, I wouldn’t mind but when I asked her about it she would just start arguing with my so I ignored it but it was eating away at me inside. So when we were away just after you went, I heard her on the phone to him and she said ‘I know it’s hard for me to, I know I love you to, can’t wait to see you when I’m home, yer I have told him I’m going to dancing so I have to go straight to London’. I then ignored if for longer and I noticed things she would do and say she had changed I was just to in love to realise. I asked her about it the day before we were coming home and she kicked off but this time I kicked of back I had noticed the changes in behaviour I knew she didn’t love me anymore but I wanted to know why she was using me, I gave her everything I even wanted to give her my last NAME. how could she do this to me, she admitted she had fallen for someone else but swore down she never cheated on me. I was so desperate to stay with her I begged her not to end and we could try. And this morning I realised that I don’t need it to work she doesn’t love me she loves him and he’s got a girlfriend, she’s welcome to him.” I was in complete shock I did not know this I was brought back to reality by Liam’s phone going off, it was Harry seeing where he was making sure he was ok.  Liam hung up the phone and looked at me, I had managed to recover now, he attempted a smile but he did not fool me I could see he was in pain it was written all over his face.

“Well Liam I’m always here for you, you’re like a brother to me and well your amazing! She didn’t deserve you, I think we all need to have a party tonight to take our mind you everything!” I said trying to make him feel a bit better

“a party?” he asked

“yer a  parTAY!! Everyone loves a party lets hit the town?” I was getting rather excited

“yer why not that sounds like a good night to me!, thanks Alanya you’re the best!” he said before winking at me I just grinned at the thought of us going out, I was planning my outfit in my head I couldn’t wait it would be so much fun! We drove home planning our night out both of us getting excited, when we pulled up at the house Liam seemed a lot happier which made me happy. We went into the house and straight to the living room everyone was up so we handed out the food they were all made up, Imogen was still in bed so I took the food up to her. She was asleep so I woke her up I was not letting her starve herself not matter how upset she was but instead when I shown her the food she jumped up and squealed in excitement and tucked into the food happily. I felt very relieved knowing she was not going to do anything stupid like starve herself or anything we ate our food up stairs in the room. When we finished she smiled at me

“what are we going to do today then?” she asked rather enthusiastically

“well what do you want to do today, oh and were having a party later” I answered quickly

“yay a parTAY!!, let’s go into town with the girls to buy a new outfit” she said jumping out of bed and heading to the bathroom “well don’t just sit there! Go and get ready!” she shouted behind her, so I did as I was told. I ran down stairs told Eleanor and Aimee a shopping trip was needed and they both agreed we were all ready, we were just waiting for Imogen to come down. So Imogen came down so then we went to do some shopping for our new outfits for the night ahead. we were all looking forward to going out and getting very drunk we all needed it at the moment it would take our minds of Liam splitting up and Aimee splitting up. We headed to a Chinese buffet for some food! Before hitting the shops Eleanor seen a leopard print tight dress which she looked amazing in! Imogen decided on black bodycon skirt and white blouse she looked amazing in it! Aimee decided on a black tight dress just plain but she made it look amazing! I decided on a strapless nude coloured boobtube dress, which I liked and the girls said it would look nice 

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