Alanyas fan fic part 2- chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next morning we all got up really early as the others had to be at the airport for 7 an hour before their flight. Me and Niall were woken up at 5.30 by harry louis and liam jumping on our bed

"Its time to get up, get up!!" They all started shouting I shot my eyes open and glared at them

"Pregnant lady here!"

"Oh shit sorry" they all said jumping of the bed I smiled smugley at Niall and he smiled along,

"Right guys were up now" he said hushing them out of the room, they obayed then the girls came running in 10 minutes later

"Get up! Its time to get up" I sat up looked at their smiling faces

"Do I look like I'm asleep?" I asked

"That's good now get ya ass out of your bed!" Aimme shouted to me so I got out of bed threw a hoodie on and some of Nialls joggers. We all went downstairs where I could smell food cooking

"Who the hell eats at this time?" I asked looking at Niall he raised his eyebrow

"Normal people"

"Babe your not normal" I said winking at him

"Hey alanya shush! Your just jealous cos you can't eat!" Harry shouted then started laughing then they all joined in

"I think there must be something wrong with bump dosnt seem to like food, and I love food and its mean that your all eating food around me!" I moaned stroking my bump

"Try something" imogen siad lightyl handing me some dry toast, I gobbled it up quickly I really was so hungry. Within 5 minutes it came back up

"We will take you the doctors today babe" niall said he sounded worried

"Its ok its just morning sickness" I answerd trying to flash him a smile but I felt so ill. At 6.20 we got in our cars I drove the girls and Niall drove the boys.

"You can't tell anyone yet about bump" I said to all the girls

"Of course we won't! But we can't wait to see a picture of our bump" they all said excitedly

"Neither can I! Now I have to tell the parents" I said my smile turning into a frown

"It will be ok his family love you" eleanor said

"And your family love him, and its your life babe" Aimee said

"I know its just hard cos were only young"

"Your baby will never go without! You be the most amazing family ever!" Imogen interupted

We talked about what we was doing when they got home, which most of them said sleep! Which made me laugh I felt like I could sleep for a week! We pulled up at the airport, there was loads of screaming fans which I wasn't looking forward to all the pushing and shoving, normaly I didn't mind but I had bump to protect now. I let the girls out then when Niall pulled up behind me he walked straight to my door helped me out

"Thank god you didn't go in, I'm sorry I didn't think about this part you wait in the car if you want?"

"Don't be silly there your fans they are so dedicated, anyway I have an idea, you and the boys take a few pictures while I sneek in?"

"Ok babe we will talk to some now then, your just to clever!"

"I know I sure am!" I said smiling widley he laghued then kissed me and dissapered round to the few girls. I wilked straight into the airport followed by the girls, after 10 mins the boys came through the doors. We walked as far as we was allowed then came to our goodbyes, we wouldn't see eacother for another week. I hugged all the boys then the girls which I started crying, so I blamed it on bump! Even though I was just generally upset, I hadn't seen much of my friends anymore I missed seeing them everyday. After 15 mins of saying goodbye it was time for them to go Liam gave me one last hug and kiss on the cheek, then Nialls arms where wrapped tightly around my waist secretly holding bump his chin

rested on my shoulder as the others walked off. As they walked round the last corner they then disapperead

"Come on babe let's go home" Niall said stroking my bump discretly so I turned to face him our eyes locking intently, I could see he felt the same pain as I did it was written on his face I puckered my lips up and kissed him softly he smiled his amazing smile took my hand and led me out. We got to the doors and the crowd had grew Nialls face was anexious as he looked down at me, he then called for security to come and move the crowd so we could both get to our cars safley. After 10 minutes the corwd had been moved Niall walked me to my car then he went over to his, I drove to his house. As I walked into the house I noticed it was really dirty and I didn't want Nialls family coming home to this tip so I got stuck into tidying up I started on the livingroom then the kitchen then all the other rooms by 1 pm I was done tidiying up the house was spotless! I hadn't even noticed that Niall wasn't home and we hadn't even made an appointment at the doctors yet. I picked up my phone and tried to ring him it was busy, so I just text him 'hey babe where are you, you ok? Xx' I sat waiting for a reply after 30 mins I got worried. I ran over and picked my keys up of the side as I got in the car my phone went of I pulled it out it was a test of Niall 'hey gorgous, will pick you up in 5 min ok sorry to worry you. Love you ps be ready xx' relief washed over me so I went back into the house ran to the mirror I looked like shit I was tired and pale, my hair was tied back into a messy bun and I had Nialls american apparel hoodie on with grey joggers and vans, I picked up my bag and went back to sit on the sofa after 5 mins my phone went of it was Niall 'I'm outside babe come on xx' so I got up went out and locked the door their he sat in his car looking amazing me heart fluttered every time I saw him and I got butterflys in my belly so I gussed baby bean was happy to see him to. I walked over and got in the car.

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