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The next morning

When I woke up, well... Let me rephrase that....

When I decided to actually physically get up... Because god knows I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't. I stood up from the bed, and walked towards the door, but stopped in my tracks when I saw a note on the door. I took it off so I could read it better.

I'll be back before you know it so I suggest not leaving the room.

That's all it said. Well, in that case, I don't have much time then. I just need to find something that I could pick the lock with. I thought of all the different ways Alan and Austin taught me. Anything from a paper clip to a credit card.

I opened the bedroom door and made my way downstairs quickly. I didn't want to het into that to invade his privacy, I just wanted to find a way out of here.

I walked to the large kitchen and started going through drawers, hoping to find anything that might work.

Just when I was about to give up, I saw a pretty big paperclip holding a few napkins together. Perfect.

I grabbed it and pretty much sprinted to the door. Since it was the only door without a key pad, I figured this should be easy. I bent the paperclip straight and put it into the keyhole. I moved it around as I jiggled the doorknob. I did that for a few seconds before I heard the click and the door was open. I pulled the paperclip put and stuffed it into my bra, just in case I needed it later.

I pushed the door open and saw that it was completely dark. I felt around on the wall for a light switch before I walked in there. Just paranoid considering whatever he is isn't human, I have no clue what could be in here. Once I found what felt like the switch, I flicked it on and the room lit up. I looked around, just so see it was an office. Multiple bookshelves surrounded the wall, and the desk was sitting kinda in the middle if the room.

I walked to the desk and sat in the seats as I tried to open some of the drawers. I didn't know what I was looking for, really. I was just curious as to who this guy was and how the fuck he has so much money if the humans supposedly aren't supposed to know of his existence. Seems kinda shady if I do say so myself.

I opened a drawer and there were multiple files in it with paperwork. I read the labels and one read "names".

I raised my eyebrow and opened the folder, grabbing a stack of papers out of it.

The first page had various peoples names in alphabetical order, along with information about them. I moved on to the next few pages where it had names crossed off with a black marker. What could this mean?

I looked up and bit my lip as I looked around. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw a door. It the door I walked into, a different door. From where I was, I could tell it was a different type lock, it had a keypad and a key hole.

I didn't really have time to think about the door too much before I heard a car door shut outside. My eyes got wide as my heart started to race. I put the papers back and shut the drawer before standing up and running to the door. I shut it behind me as I ran down the hallway towards the living room.

I pretty much Superman dived into the couch, barely having enough time to straighten myself out before Ronnie walked in the door. When he walked in, he had a plastic bag in his hand and thick, dark sunglasses on.

He dropped the bag next to me and took off his sunglasses, putting them on the table in front of me.

"I'm having people over, and while they are here, you're going to be my maid and do whatever I say, okay? They don't know about me or why you're actually here, so don't say a word, just do what I say. Got it?" He said, looking into my eyes. I nodded, scared of what he might do if I disagreed.

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