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It's been about 2 weeks since I first got here, and I still haven't found a way to get out of this place. I've had a lot more freedom since the first few days I was here.

I have been trying to find a way out of this place, and I couldn't, simply because of the fact that Ronnie is always here, and when he's not, I'm asleep and don't realize he's gone until he comes back again.

I've tried to go out a window and a door before, but he would just so happen to walk in the room before I could even try.

I've pretty much giving up and accepted the fact that I wasn't getting out of here. Its not like its bad here, I just wanted to go home. It was actually really nice here, living in a huge house that I still haven't fully explored yet. And on top of that, Ronnie was actually pretty nice. Hell, he was pretty funny too.

I've managed to let loose a little bit and make myself at home. I do pretty much everything I would do at my house. The only down side of being here is the fact that I can't leave nor can I see my family or friends. And it was kind of boring here since I couldn't leave.

I spent most of my days watching Netflix or playing his many game systems. Which is what I was doing right now. 

"Hey Felicity," I heard behind me. I hummed in response, not looking away from the video game I was playing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ronnie walking in front of me. What I saw caused me to look away from the game and look at him, causing my character to die. I lost all interest in the game as I looked at his shirtless figure grab a game controller from on top of the game console, then walk over and sit next to me. Right fucking next to me.

Part of me wondered why he had no shirt on, but it was a really hot day so I couldn't blame him. I was wearing shorts and a tank top myself.

As he sat next to me, I couldn't look away from him. I didn't know why. Probably because of how muscular he was. I've never noticed before.

Well, I've never seen him without a shirt on. Tattoos littered his body. Various colors and designs were all over his chest and abs, everywhere. They fit him so well, I couldn't imagine him without tattoos.

He must have caught me staring because he laughed before shaking his head and turning on the controller that was in his hand. 

"Are we playing 1 on 1 or what?" Ronnie snapped me out of my daze and laughed. I just nodded and looked back at the tv.

I couldn't really tell what I was feeling, but I knew it was something I shouldn't be feeling. Especially towards someone who wasn't even a human and literally uses me for a blood source.

I shook off the feeling and pushed the thoughts away as we began to play against each other. This had become the normal. We would always play videogames together. I mean, we had nothing else to do.

After about 10 minutes, Ronnie stood up and walked to the kitchen. When I was sure he was gone, I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes as I sighed.

I know its very slutty of me to be acting like this just because of seeing him shirtless one time, and I agree. But I had already found him attractive when I first saw him, and seeing him today kind of triggered something in my brain. I didn't know why, he just had that effect on me. And on top of that, he was actually funny despite me being terrified of him for a few days.

Its like once I figured out he wouldn't hurt me, we both kinda relaxed and acted as if we were roommates or something. It was very weird, but I was okay with it. I wasn't really scared of him anymore. I still wanted to go home and see my family, but I wasn't as eager to get out of here as I once was.

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