Escape Plan

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It was late at night, and I had stayed up, waiting for Ronnie to go to sleep.

He had been asleep for a few hours now, so I figured it was a perfect time to sneak into his office.

It was really sneaky to do it while he was here, bus he hadn't left much since I got here. Only once or twice every few days, and it was never for too long. I had finally given up on waiting. I needed to get out of here.

I got the paper clip from the drawer I hid it in and quietly opened my door. I slowly crept out of it, shutting it behind me. I chewed on my lip as I tip toed down the stairs. I was so paranoid that I would get caught.

I made it to the door with no problem and pulled the paperclip out. I put the paperclip in the keyhole and began to move it around as I used my other hand to juggle the doorknob. It took a few seconds, but I heard a click and twisted the doorknob, opening the door. I smiled to myself, knowing I pretty much had this in the bag now.

I walked in, noticing that there was no light. I felt around on the wall, feeling for a light switch. I doubt it and turned it on, making the room light up.

For some reason, it felt more eerie in here at night. I didn't know if it was fear of the dark or fear of getting caught, but I had a nervous feeling in my stomach.

I walked towards the desk as I looked around. It was the same as before. I approached the desk and sat in the chair. I opened one of the drawers and began to sift through it, looking for pretty much anything with numbers on it. I had no luck, so I moved on to a different drawer. Again, nothing.

After all of the drawers had been checked, I sighed, realizing that my only plan out of here was failing. But I didn't lose all hope as I check the first drawer again.

I pulled the drawer out even more than before and moved things around, looking harder. Then something caught my eye that I hadn't seen the first time I checked. A notepad. So I grabbed it and flipped through the pages, skimming each one. Most of it looked like financial things, money amounts, things like that.

I chewed on my lip nervously as I approached the last few pages that were blank. I began to lose faith until I reaches the last page. There were numbers. Multiple sets of numbers.

There were three sets of six digit numbers, and many other sets of r duvet numbers. I smiled to myself, hoping to god these were the codes to the doors. So, I grabbed a pen from on the desk and began to write down the six digit numbers on my wrist.

I really hoped one of these were to the front door.

I continued to write until I had about three more numbers left, when I was suddenly interrupted by a door shutting upstairs. I scribbled the last few numbers and threw the notepad in the drawer, shutting it before running out of the room and closing the door behind me. I quickly made my way down the hallway.

Once I reached the end of the hallway where it meets the stairs, I was greeted by Ronnie coming down the last step with an angered expression on his face, But it immediately softened when he saw me. My breath caught in my throat and I stopped dead in my tracks before we ran into each other.

Shit, I'm caught, I began to think.

"I thought I heard something down here." Ronnie laughed a little. I laughed with him, trying to hide my nervousness. I tried to keep myself from being scared because I knew he would be able to sense it. I held my wrist to my side so he wouldn't see the numbers. "What are you doing awake?" He then asked after a moment of silence. I had to think fast.

"I couldn't sleep, so I was walking around," I said off the top of my head. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, it's fine." He smiled. "I'm going to get a drink, wanna join?"

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