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moonlight is gone, they took her way, and all you did was laugh and my mind hated you but my heart followed a very stupid path.


"lucy, darling. moonlight was bought by another family tonight, she'll be leaving tomorrow morning." 

moonlight, my kitten. i wish she could stay with me longer, forever but she can't. my mom can't stand her. my heart broke the first time i was told she was leaving me and you were there as i told my teachers but all you did was smile, why? why do you choose to hurt me in foolish ways? why do you act as if you have no humanity at times? god knows how much i hated you but still even now, i'm finding a way to get you away from my heart.

"lucy? you still there?"

yes mom, even though i wish i wasn't.

"lucy, are you going to be like this again. do you need to be sent back to the doctor?"

no, i'm fine. make sure moonlight  is okay. 

"lucy are you sur–"


why is it that everything i care and love for is taken from me

how come you can't just disappear?

why can't i disappear?

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