Chapter One

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Let's Make A Pact! | Chapter One

What the hell am I doing I'm only 16 and I'm walking into a college preparatory class. "I have some serious motives for this." I mumbled as I felt someone wrap there arms around me. "Of course we do!" I heard the girl scream in my ear as she let me go happily.

"Have the boys arrived I don't see them." She asked looking around the room which I did also looking for the males which I had grown to love. Before I had time to shove the blond woman off she was plucked off and I was hugged by the twins who happily smiled claiming they missed me over summer.

I hugged back mostly because They were my best friends, along with the woman of course. "HEY HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME!" Yelled the girl as the boys glance to there side. I looked at her before smiling and pulling her into our group hug. "So ready for school!" She called as she tightened her grip. I squeezed out and ripped my flannel a bit and brushed it off before running to the opening dragging my suit case along.

As we entered the school which in my case was 'huge'. We were greeted with a woman who seemed to excited for our own good. I watched her glance at me bright red hair as she pointed towards the side of the room where three stairways were located. "Welcome to our little school!" She called making Bronwin snicker and his twin Brandon sigh.

     "Here we focus on your college education along with your education. To the left we have boys dorms and to the right girls dorms." She stayed as I felt Bronwin wrap his arm around me protectively. "If Ash goes that way I go that way!" He said to the woman who smiled more. "Lucky you were going down the middle staircase it goes to the conjoined hallway. Where you four will share a room we call them seasonal rooms. It's sorta a test to see who can be elemental holders." She spoke leading us up the stairs which we followed.

I looked at the wall and saw four doors two doors that were across the hall from another were open and fans were going. It was summer so it was a bit stuffy so I understood why they had fans going. "This hallway is called Season Lane! You four and four others will be staying here! Please get acquainted with your neighbors they'll be your classmates for the next 10 years!" Called the short red haired guide

She opened Chelsie my blonde haired friends room and ushered her and Brandon in. "You two will stay here and Bronwin and Merri-" I cut  her off speaking. "I go by my last name." I muttered as she nodded shaking her head. "Oh I'm sorry Mrs.Ashton!. You two will be here." She said opening a room which had an air conditioner in it.

Across the hall I could see Brandon had put a hoodie on and Chelsie had stolen one of his claiming she was and I quote 'A Fashion Major'. I sat my stuff on my bed and watched Bronwin slam onto the bed across from mine. "I feel like I'll melt into a puddle." He said as I rolled my eyes.

I looked at my flannel which I had seen had a very large rip in it. I heard Bronwin stand and felt him wrap his arms around me. "Awe that's my flannel what happened?" He mumbled sticking his head into my neck yawning a bit. I sighed and turned around in his embrace stuffing my head into his chest wrapping my arms around his torso. "You and Brandon accidentally ripped it." I mumbled reaching up and running a hand through his hair. I felt his hair curl up a bit and smiled at the scene.

He pulled away from me his hands resting on my hips as I rested mine around his neck. "Oh well than guess I'll have to take it off you." He cooed running a hand up my back leaving a trace on my spine. I froze up when I heard a very irritated noise from the door seeing a blue haired girl with a black haired male behind her ready to apologize for her interruption. "Look before you start rapping the man close your door damnit." She seethed glaring at me a smile never gracing her features.

The boy behind her smiled gently as she marched the brunette who was calling to her across the hall. "S-Sorry for interrupting! My names Jake Aster. That's my girlfriend Lillie Anderson. She's really nice once you get to know her trust me. Anyways we're the Season of Winter our door is the one with the silver and gold snowflakes on it. Well I'm going to close your door. Have a good day!" He called closing our door yelling at the blue haired girl. "Jesus Christ that was rude!" I complained slightly as Bronwin nodded going to unpack his things along with me opening our door again.

Seasons Life|A Fantasy Story


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