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"My... twin..."

My father sighed and rested his head in his hands. "Yes. When you two were born, I was given custody of Minghao. And your mother... well, she got to have you."

I furrowed my brows, unable to wrap my head around what he was telling me. I had a twin and no one told me? And my father knew I existed all this time? "But—"

"I'm sorry you didn't know." He sat up and ran his hand through his hair.

"Did he?"

"I told him before you arrived in California. He's coming back tomorrow evening from London." My father stood up from his seat and looked down at me. "It's late. Let's sleep now, yeah?"

After the short conversation with my dad, I crawled under my covers and grabbed for my plush bunny to try and distract myself from the hurt feeling I was experiencing.

I had a twin brother and I didn't know? I had a dad and I didn't know? What kind of bullshit is that? How many other huge secrets are being kept from me?

I rolled over onto my side, sat the bunny beside me, and closed my eyes, already expecting to not get any sleep tonight.


The next day I woke up at eleven, and my head hurt like crazy from staying up until six in the morning just staring at my ceiling and re-evaluating my entire life. I felt a little more relaxed today, though, which was a good sign.

My dad wasn't home—he leaves to work at seven—which was honestly better than him being here because I feel that we both need time to think things over. After I did my morning routine, I went downstairs and got a muffin, then sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.

The channel was set to the E! News, and my eyes widened as I watched a familiar face on the big screen.

"So it's official that you and Kylie aren't together anymore?" an interviewer from the awards show on the red carpet asked in a clip the news showed.

Woozi, who I briefly met at Mingyu's party—who embarrassed me for basically saying that I wasn't all that good-looking, shook his head in reply, "It just didn't feel right to either of us. We're both working on a lot of new projects, me with my new movie and her with her tour, and we couldn't deal with the negative energy."

"So you admit that the relationship was unhealthy?" the interviewer pressed on.

He shrugged and dodged the question, "We came to an agreement that it'd be better this way."

"Is it?"

He paused to think. "I'm still trying to figure that out." The cut ended and the tv changed back to the main hosts, and two separate videos of Woozi and Kylie Ashton being taken photos of by the paparazzi were showed on the screens behind them.

"As you can see, last night at the Red Carpet was very heartbreaking to many KyZi fans," the woman began, turning to her male cohost to cue for him to start talking.

"Yes, and Kylie also had stated in a brief interview with TMZ, quote 'I wish things could go back to how there were when we first met each other. We just don't love one another like we used to,' end quote. Many fans of the ex-couple still believe there is hope that the two will get back together though, since this pair is notorious for breaking up and making up."

"But who knows?" the woman continued. "Maybe this really is the end of KyZi."

Just as the show changed to a commercial break, there was a knock at the front door and I hurried over to open it.

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