Rich Girl

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"And this is your room," my dad—I guess I can call him that—announced as he swung open a large, white door. Inside was decorated with pink and rose gold, and the bed was a white cream. To put simply, the room was huge. Large windows had been opened to let the breeze from outside come in, and birds' chirping could be heard from the trees nearby.

I had never considered myself to be poor. After all, my mother had made sure that I always ate well and had a nice, comfortable room to sleep in, so there was no real reason to even think that we didn't have money, but standing in my new room that strangely smelled like expensive, French chocolate and cotton candy made it a little difficult to believe that our family of two actually "had money" throughout the years. Not that I'm complaining.

"Woah," I exclaimed when I noticed that my dad, it feels weird to call him that, was waiting for a verbal reaction. "This is... impressive." I made my way into the bedroom and dragged my fingertips along the soft comforter of the bed.

"You like it?"

I examined my surroundings while nodding. "It's beautiful."

He grinned brightly and agreed. "Your mother said pink was your favorite color. I'm glad you like it." He glanced at his watch and sighed. "I have to get to work. We'll go out to eat for dinner or something. Sound good?" I nodded once more and he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry. If you need anything, just call," he said before exiting the room and leaving me to myself.

This whole situation felt a little unreal. I had just barely found out about my biological father two months ago, who just happened to be filthy rich, and I'm already living in his house because he was "dying to meet me." Everything had been so rushed, but I mean hey. This room is very, very nice, so might as well not ruin my one-year stay with all these worries, nam sayin'?

And since the owner of the house is out, might as well go explore the rest of this mansion, nam sayin'?

That is why I headed out of my bedroom, through the long hallway, and down the grand staircase to the main entrance. Everything was white, but there were a few blue and white porcelain vases which added at least some color. There were halls on either side, and I decided that the one to my left would be a more interesting exploration. But before I could make my way over, there was a hard knock on the door.

"Coming!" I called out, which I probably shouldn't of because what if they were burglars or something? Well, then I just ruined everything on my first day here.

To at least use some sense, I looked through the peep hole and saw a woman in a pink dress with a lighter pink box in her hands. Concluding that she probably wasn't all that dangerous, I opened the door and greeted her. "Um, hello," I fake smiled.

She grinned back, brighter and more enthusiastic. "Hi! Your father Robert said you were coming today! I'm Yolanda, one of your neighbors. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

Finally? "Nice to meet you, too."

"This is for you," she announced as she handed the fancy box with a bow over to me. "I own a bakery over in the city. This is one of our most delicious cakes, and also our most popular."

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, this is so kind of you!" Free cake? I know who's on my good side.

"It's no problem." She waved her hand. "So, how's everything so far? Robert's not at work today, is he?"

I shrugged. "It's been great, but yeah; he is."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "He left you alone in this house by yourself? Have you at least eaten lunch?" I shook my head and she gasped. She waved me over, "C'mon. Since we're both lonely, we can go out to eat somewhere in the city. I know an amazing Mexican restaurant."

Rich Girl [Seventeen]Where stories live. Discover now