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Vicki's POV~

My dad is lying in his death bed and the doctors are doing nothing. I'm only 12 years old, but I can't take this. How am I to live through this.
"Vicki." My dad says to me to get my attention.
"Yes daddy?"
"Here, take this. It is the address for your uncle's home. I want you to live there." He says with what little breath he has.
"My uncle? But what about grandpa?"
"My father wants to take you to Ireland to live with him."
"But Ireland's terrible! Why does he want me to live with him?"
"He wants you to erase what connection you have to me. He is a cruel man. My step-father would have taken better care of you but he is dead."
"I wish you didn't have to go."
"I do too, but it's much to late for that." He's coughing badly now.
He continues to cough for a moment then looks at me.
"Tell your uncle that you're Charlie's kid and he should remember you."
"But I don't even know what he looks like."
"You'll know him when you . . . see . . him . . ." He said with his final breath.
The monitors flatline and I'm left with a dead father and an uncle I don't even know.
{Time Skip to when Vicki is at a temporary home}
I look at my father's picture and hug it. In the picture he's standing there with his arm around a man with his hair dyed red. This man must be one of my uncles, he look slightly familiar but I can't place it. I decided to write a letter to the uncle my father gave the address to.

Dear Uncle,

   I'm afraid my father has passed away and I have no other family. My grandfather wants me to live in Ireland but the last time I was there it was horrible. My name is Vicki, my father's name was Charlie. He told me you would know or remember me if that helps. I need a place to live besides the temporary homes the church is putting me in. I am only at this home until December 6th, please do not mail to this address. I will be back at the church of England in Cincinnati, Ohio until the 18th of  December. Please consider taking me in.


I mail the letter and then I wait for what might happen.

*I know this is short and I know this is sad as well as not a suggestion from you guys. I swear the next book I do will be a recommendation from one of you. I got the idea from a book I got recently and it inspired me to do this. This is Septiplier, do not fret, I will throw in a make out session later but I will stick with this calm stuff for now.*

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