Who The Fuck Are The Arctic Monkeys?

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I glanced at myself, my eyeliner was precise, making my deep green eyes pop, and my dark brown hair was perfectly curled. I applied the last touch of lipstick when someone knocked on the bathroom door, startled me and made me smear red Mac all up my nose.

I groaned, this stuff stains like a bitch.

"What the fuck do you want Bella?" I yelled at her through the door. I viciously wiped at my nose to rid my face of the mark.

"Taxi's here. Hurry up!" I swore under my breath and rapidly re-did my lipstick. I gave myself a once-over and nodded in approval. I unlocked the bathroom door and rolled my eyes at her.

Bella did look fabulous, her dark blonde hair was tied up into a straightened messy ponytail, she stood tall in her heeled Chelsea boots and her legs were baring black disco pants and a loose black shirt hung from her shoulders. A long gold chain rested around her neck.

"Looking lovely, as always." I complimented.

"And yourself." She nodded. I grinned, ear to ear. Bella reflected my smile.

I grabbed my bag from the hook, checked I had my phone, money and keys.

"Let's go dearest." I winked and held the door open for my best friend of all time. She curtsied on the way out and I laughed. Best friend humour.

I slammed the door shut behind me. Let the fun, begin.


Half an hour later we were in our favourite club in town. We were ordering shots to start the night. Two vodka, two tequila.

The bar tender served us our drinks and we lined them up.

"Three, two, one! DRINK!" we repeated four times. Each time we grimaced after. The warm burning sensation sparking my body with excitement. The shots were gone and I ordered a vodka and coke, Bella ordered a martini, keeping it classy.

We walked over to a booth and sat down. The loud music making the seats vibrate with each hit of the drum. A loud guitar riff played over the system and everyone jumped up from their seats to dance; R U Mine?

Alex Turner's familiar voice echoed in my ears. I laughed. I put my drink down and dragged Bella up to the dance floor.

"His voice is so hot, how can we not dance?" I shouted to her, she smirked and we began to sway to the rhythm of the bass.

I'm a puppet on a string,

Tracy Island,

Time travelling, diamond could've shaped heartache,

Come to find ya, fall in some velvet morning, years too late,

She's a silver lining,

Lone ranger riding through an open space,

In my mind when she's not right there beside me,

I go crazy.....

Everyone belted out the first verse at the top of their lungs.

I lived in Nottingham and the Arctic Monkeys home town is a neighbouring city, they're pretty local really. My favourite band by far.

The song ended and Bella and I went back to our table, which was now occupied by two men, both looking at us approach with smirks plastered on their faces.

I rolled my eyes, I grabbed my drink from the table and downed the last of it. I slammed the glass on the table.

"Later lads." I said and walked off.

I strutted to the bar and bought another drink. I wandered around for a while with a bounce in my step, in time the music. I found Bella with her tongue down someone's throat near the toilets. Like I said, classy.

I was started to feel a little buzz and very energetic, time to pull.

I went and sat on one of the bar stools, I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Matt.

-In the clubb, i'll be home late. haa love you x -

Matt was my flat mate and friend since the age of 8. We knew everything about each other and we spent out teenage life helping each other out, he was the closest person I had.

-Don't get too drunk love, have a great time. love you too x -

I smiled at my phone and put it back in my pocket. I finished my drink and ordered a tequila shot. I drank the poisonous liquid and raised my glass to the bar tender. I was a usual in here. I knew them all on a first name basis.

"Later darlin'." He winked and I laughed. I went back to the table from earlier. Those men where still sat there picking from the crowd of ladies on the dance floor.

"Save your time boys, I'm right here." I explained, in an extremely cocky tone. The both chuckled. The darker haired one nodded to the other and the former approached me. The darker haired boy was better looking.

"Well then, Miss Time-Saver, do you have a beautiful name to match your face?" he flirted. I scoffed. Heard that too many times.

"My name's 'get me another drink and we'll talk'." I winked and he laughed. He stood up and asked me what I drank. "Vodka and coke." He nodded and walked off. I slipped into the booth next to the other guy.

"Aren't you just something?" He exclaimed. I smiled. "What is your name then?"

"Jasmine. Yours?" I replied, this guy was already nicer.

"Matt, and the other guy, that's Alfie. Sorry about him." His face was sincere.

"No bother, he's just out for the ladies, I get it." I nodded in understanding of his friend's goals.

Alfie returned to the table with my drink and I nodded to him in thanks. He handed me my alcohol and sat down next to me.

"I'm Jasmine." I said, and the night continued.

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