Fire And The Thud

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"So, Alex. Truth or dare?" Jamie asked slowly, dragging Alex's name out.

"Ummm, fuck it, dare." He smiled.

The seven of us were sat in a circle in the boys' hotel room. There were various snacks in the centre and bottles of assorted drinks. An empty Coca Cola bottle lay on it's in the middle, it's neck pointing towards Alex. 

"Seven minutes in heaven with any one in this room." Jamie winked flirtily to him. 

"Jasmine, let's go." He hopped up from beside me and I looked up at him, startled. He held out his hand urging me to get up. I slowly rose to my feet and took his hand. He dragged me off into a different room and Matt wolf whistled loud enough that whole hotel could hear. I giggled quietly.

"That wasn't romantic, sorry babe." He whispered in my ear. Shivers ran up and down my spine and I smiled. 

"Don't be sorry, didn't realize you felt the need to be romantic." I replied as he reached to dim the lights. He smirked slightly.

"Course I do, you're beautiful, very beautiful, smart, funny, easy to get along with, beautiful." Alex said, but in between each of those words, he placed gentle kisses on my lips, making me melt inside. 

"Oh Alex Turner, you charmer." I laughed lightly. "You ready for heaven then?" His eyes lit up and our mouths collided in a fiery passion that turned my stomach into flames and my heart into goo. 

After a series of events that made Alex and I feel incredible, we heard shouts coming from the room we were in previously and we figured that our seven minutes were up. We readjusted clothing and sorted our hair out and swiftly exited the room. 

Bubbles of snickers came from each person every five seconds from the moment we left our heaven and glances towards us became regular. I blushed a peculiar colour of crimson every time I caught Alex's eye. 

Alex leaned into the middle and span the bottle, it landed on Matt Helders and his face fell. 

"Truth!" He yelled before anyone even asked him the question. 

"Romantic interest at the moment?" Alex asked simply. 

"Umm, you know Cindy, our managers mate? We've been chatting and I really like her." A shy smile occurred upon Helders' face and the rest of the group 'awhed' and Nick gave him a subtle fist bump. 

Many kisses, secrets spilled and bottles of alcohol drunk later, we decided to call it a night. Room-mate Matt and Bella slunk off to their hotel room, Nick and Jamie went to bed and Drummer-boy went to call this Cindy girl. I accompanied Alex in bed and we stayed up talking all night. 

"You're so pretty Jasmine. I'm not even pissed 'ere. I honestly think you're one of the most stunning people I've met, inside and out. And it takes a very special person to get me this gushy, so count yourself lucky." He stroked a piece of fallen hair away from my face and kissed me gently. 

"I'm honoured, Alex. Do you know how many girls would kill to be where I am right now? I'm very lucky. I've had the biggest crush on you since I was about 17."

"You never told me that." 

"Well, i'm slightly tipsy, but I don't know, I've always wanted to be with you like any normal fan girl would."

"Awh Jaz, if I'd have met you a long time ago, we could have babies by now." He winked and chuckled lightly.

"Alex, don't go saying things like that, you'll get my hopes up."

"Maybe your hopes will come true eventually. Seriously darlin', I've been missing out on someone as amazing and stunning as you for so long and now I've found you, not sure if I'm ever going to want to let go." I wasn't exactly sober, but I knew I was going to remember this. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

"Do you really feel that way?" I questioned, uncertainty filled my voice and tears began to collect in my eyes.

"Yes, I really do. Oh no, shit, don't cry." He wiped the tear away that managed to escape and I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I clung on as if I'd never see him again. "Ey, ey. Cheer up Jaz." He snaked his strong arms around my back and pulled close. The embrace continued for what seemed an eternity and eventually we fell asleep like that. 

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