Chapter 60

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Emma's POV:

David drove us back to the loft but this time we have Regina and Robin with us. We are trying to find a list of the most innocent people in Storybrooke so we'll know who will be Zelena's target. If the person did not commit any crime or did anything wrong, that is consider innocent for our town. It's not easy to do that since there are like over three hundred Storybrooke residence.

"We have been going through the computer for hours and there's nothing." Regina grumbles and plops down on the chair.

"Take it easy, Regina." Mary Margaret says. Robin squeezes her shoulders as she exhales slowly.

Hook and I run through a list of names in the residential booklists. "I think I found a few names on the list." I say, dragging my finger across some names.

"Then write the names down on a paper." Regina growls. Mary Margaret and David's jaw drop open slightly. Robin just scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.


"Why don't you write it by yourself." Hook glares at her.

"I could say-" Regina retaliates but I quickly cut her off.

"Chill, Regina. Chill." I give her a wary look. I face Hook and shake my head a little.

She sucks in a deep breath before letting it out. "I'm sorry. I just.....I am loosing my temper easier this time because of the stress." She apologizes with guilt in her eyes.

"I think you should take a half and hour break from this." David suggests.

"No, no. I will not take a break when I'm hunting for my sister's target."

All of us exchange glances before we sigh and nod our head. "Alright, alright." Mary Margaret says.

I write down the few innocent people's name on a piece of paper. "Okay. So we have Nadia, Marissa, Noora, Jacob, Jake and Steve." I read out the names. Based on their background history, they did nothing bad or try to hurt anyone before.

"It says anything that is innocent right, so we have to cancel out all of the names except for the most innocent one." Robin says, reading their background history.


"Well, it seems like this Noora lass is the one." Hook says after we re-read their history again.

"It seems so." David mutters.

"So what is our next move?" Regina asks.

"We should get to her first before Zelena does." I say.

"What is her address?" Mary Margaret asks.

"Uhh," I pause and look at her personal information. "It's just right around the corner of the coffee shop."

"Okay." Regina says before she waves her hand, poofing us into a cloud of purple smoke. Before we even knew it, we're already outside of Noora's house.

"Regina!" I sigh, shaking my head.

"What? That's the fastest way we could get here." She says with a amuse face.

"Next time please tell us first okay? At least I can prepare for it." Mary Margaret chuckles.

We turn our attention to Noora's house that is right is front of us. Her house is made out of wood unlike ours and I must say it looks really comfortable inside as it also reminds me of a cabin, except it was much bigger. There're some potted plants beside her doorstep. It is still fresh and green.

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