Chapter 65

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Emma's POV:

He is dressed up in a formal wear; white dress shirt under a black tux with a black tie tucked into the tux. He looked really handsome and well-dressed. His lips formed into a huge smile while extending his hand in front of me. It took me a minute to realize that the hand he extended was his left hand. Left hand. His hook was replaced with a real, human fleshed hand. I can't help but to let out a gasp. How did he even get a donner or someone to donate him a hand?

"Surprised to see my left hand, aren't you?" He asks with a sly smile.

"Yeah." I say in a whisper. "Where did you get the hand from?"

"It's mine, love." He says. I blinked several times, making sure I'm not hallucinating what's in front of me. My right hand came in contact with his and yeah, his hand is callused yet so soft.

"How did-" before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off. "The crocodile restored back my hand." I raised an eyebrow at him, not believing that Gold would just restored his hand without any deal.

"No, Swan. He did not asked for any deals to be made.I guess he has changed for the better." Hook says with a satisfied grin.

"It appears so." I chuckle.


My first impression when we arrived was that the restaurant looks so expensive and rich.  A chandelier is hanging in the middle of the room alongside with small crystals hanging around the chandelier. The room is dim but it's bright enough to see the colour of your surroundings. Fairy lights are hanging loosely on the walls; making it look like a fairy-sort-of-land and small orange-yellow lights are shining at certain corners of the room. Classical musics are played on the speaker with a low volume. Everyone that are dining here are dressed neatly and all of them look so sophisticated. I thought I would be overdressed but on second thought, I might be  underdressed.

Is Killian going back to spend loads of money on this date?

"Emma?" Killian places his hand on my shoulder, making me jolt in surprise and snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. This place is breathtaking, Killian." I smile and give him a squeeze on his hand. "But you don't have to spend this much money on this date." I giggle.

"It's fine, love. Anything for my princess." He smirks. That smirk. Gosh.

"Bonsoir, monsieur et mademoiselle. Welcome to Grand Palais." A waitress asks us. "Did you make any reservation?" Oh yes, I've missed out the detail that this is a French restaurant.

"Good evening and yes. The name Killian Jones." She scan her eyes through the list of reservations and once she found his name, she gives it a tick at the column.

"Right this way." She leads us to our table and gives us a polite smile before leaving us.

Killian pulls out the chair for me like a gentleman treating his lady. Well, a prince treating his princess, maybe. Ohhh. Now I know why he was referring me as princess; I'm the daughter of Prince Charming and Snow White. Silly me! I don't think I'll ever get used to the title as 'Princess Emma'.

I look through the given French menu and stifle a gasp because the prices of all the foods are expensive as hell. I can't stop staring at the prices without having my eyes bulge out of my socket. And let me tell you, I'm not exaggerating one bit. If I was exaggerating, I would be a little melodramatic.

I can't even treat myself an expensive dinner, let alone let Killian do that for me. I feel bad for ordering anything right now or ever. Even though this is an official date, I thought it will be something more simple and casual.

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