Chapter 14: second chance

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Paige POV: 

I wake up the next morning feeling good, I know I should be feeling hurt and sad but surprisingly I don't at all! 

I get up and plan on going to talk to Justin today

Since recently its been super hot outside, I decided to wear my new American Eagle romper, I paired it up with some nude heels 

I put on light makeup today and decide to keep my hair natural with the pretty beach waves. After that I grab my car keys and get into my car

My phone starts ringing interrupting my jam session to Post Malones new song Congratulations and the caller ID says Hails....

Thats weird I haven't talked to her in a few years, why would she be calling?

I answer 



"Umm ya..."

"Oh hey Paige.. its been a while, How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well what about you?"

" im ok... oh look Paige can we meet somewhere, I really need to talk to you"

"Umm ok sure wanna meet at the diner in 10?"

"sure ill see you there" 

She hung up right after that not giving me anytime to say bye 

I turn my car around the other direction towards the diner 

When I pull up I have five minutes to spare so I start thinking.. this is either gonna go really well or its going to be a disaster 

I look over and see Hailey pull up in her signature Bugatti.. haha we have so many memories in that car 

She gets out and walks over to me 

"Hey P long time no see"

We lean in to hug each other 

"I missed my Hailey hugs haha"

"me too Paige, me too"

We walk in and we are seated 

"So Paige, I wanted to talk to you.."

The whole time she doesn't look me in the eyes and she looking down at her hands

She finally looks up at me and says

" Paige I'm sorry for everything I did, I wasn't a good friend, you where the good friend, I wasn't i took your man, I stopped talking to you, I'm such a bad friend"

She started to cry and I went to the other side of the booth and brought her into a big hug, I know she did all that stuff but she still is such a close friend we are up together, and she was always there when I needed someone 

" Shhh Hailey its honestly ok, You where always there when I needed someone, I love you girl"

She looks at me with the brightest smile 

" Best friends again?" 

I chuckle " We never stopped, best friend."

We squeeze each other into a big hug, she quickly steps back 

" PAIGE I forgot to tell you, Justin and I broke up.. and he was telling me the reason, HE STILL LOVES YOU PAIGEY" 

My heart starts beating out of my chest, it feels like a big weight has been lifted up of my chest


" you heard me Paige go get your man" she says as she pushes me out of the booth and I stare at  her 

" PAIGE GO BEFORE ITS TOO LATE" I blow her a kiss and sprint out the door 

I get into my car and start driving to his house... Wait Paige think its 12 o'clock on a beautiful day, Justin wouldn't be home! THINK PAIGE! THINK!

Then it hits me... Justin is going to be at the wisdom tree.. he tweeting about it and when he was on Ellen he was talking about going there all the time 

I rush to get there before its too late 

I get there and I see his black escalade parked in the parking lot, I get super happy knowing he's here and I step out of my car 

I suddenly realize that I chose the wrong god damn day to wear heels..... shit I now have to climb the mountain with heels...

I really don't care at this point, I start jogging in heels up...up....up...and up, at his point I'm out of breathe and my feet already ache but I need to get to Justin so I get up, but at right at that point I look up and see him..the gorgeous guy I'm deeply in love with jogging down the hill with his shirt off and in his hand, listening to music minding his own business 

I pause waiting of him to come to me at this point, I can't help but smile looking at him making his way dow, he still hasn't noticed me at this point 

I walk over to the side of the hill which he's coming down and he stops dead in his tracks, he looks at me with almost reassurance in his eyes 

At that moment I start to break down, I can't help but cry in this situation, he comes running down the rest of the way down to me, once he gets to me I wrap my arms around him and place my lips on his 

Oh god have I been waiting for this to happen for the longest time, I missed him, I needed him, I love him 

We pull apart and he looks me in the eyes and at the same time we both say "I Love you" 

He grabs me by the wait and pulls me in for another sweet yet passionate kiss 

He gently. pulls away and looks me in the eyes " Do you want to come to my house?"

"haha sure I would love to"

He grabs my hand and starts walking but I don't move because o how much my feet hurt

"Paige haha come on, what are you doing?"

"Justin my feet hurt like a bitch I ran all the way up here with these on" I chuckle looking down at my heels 

"Come on" he picks me up in one swift motion bridal style and looks me in the eyes the whole way down

"Justin watch out, haha quit staring at me already"

"Paige I can't, I have my whole world in my hands, I don't want to loose one second of it" 









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