The Second Question

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Please answer the following English sentence into proper Japanese.

“Die Musik gefällt Leuten und bereichert auch den Verstand.”

Shimada Minami’s answer:

“Music can make people happy and enrich the soul.
#This should be German, not English.”

Sakamoto Yuuji’s answer:

“The question’s in German, not English. I can’t answer that.”

Teacher’s comment:

I’m really sorry. Sensei made a mistake by mixing up the question. Shimada-san’s translation into Japanese is correct, but this is honestly sensei’s mistake. Thus, sensei decided to award marks to everyone, including those who didn’t write the answer—

☆ ☆ ☆

Tsuchiya Kouta’s answer:

“           <-Invisible Ink”

Yoshii Akihisa’s answer:

“           <-Only idiots can’t see the answer”

Teacher’s comment:

—I really wanted to give the marks, but you two will be the exceptions, so you two won’t get any marks in this question.

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