Yoshii Akira-Sensei's Special English(?) Test
Question: Please describe honestly any intimate association or experience with the opposite sex up till now ‘spit it out even if you have to do it in Japanese!’.
Yoshii Akihisa’s answer:
Yoshii Akira’s comment:
This is a test. If you once hugged someone of the opposite sex, write down that you did so. If you once kissed someone of the opposite sex, write down that you did so. Please answer my question honestly. Later on, nee-san will directly interroga—carry out remedials for Aki-kun. You are to study honestly with nee-san tonight.
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Shimada Minami’s answer:
“I, although only once, did Setsubun.”
Yoshii Akira’s answer:
Scattering beans[1] doesn’t need to involve relationships with the opposite gender.
[1] Scattering beans is a practice to chase demons away in Japan during the Setsubun summer festival. Minami mistook little tsu in Seppun(kiss) for big tsu in Setsubun.