Part 2

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Ahsoka's POV

Standing back at her beloved Jedi Temple. That was where she belonged. She needed the help of her fellow jedi...former fellow jedi.

"Nothing can stop me now...!" she murmered, slowly walking into the council room.

Her feet shook and she had butterflies in her stomach. Every part of her wanted to scream with happiness although she smiled nervously. However, the room brought back flashbacks. The time she had to prove her innocence by running away from her family.

She focused on the room and stopped, Anakin beside her. Everything was beautiful. Perfect. She felt like screaming with joy when she saw Plo-Koon. They had been friends since she could remember. Another familiar face, Obi-Wan. Windu also smiled. She had a feeling that being Anakin's apprentice, she wasn't getting much respect from him but she could tell he was happy to see her. A true Jedi. 

Her heart warmed and she smiled widely when she saw Master Yoda. He had offered to bring her back. She had been grateful but she knew she couldn't have the time.

"Padawan Tano," Windu smiled.

"Ahsoka Tano," she corrected.

"Ahsoka Tano. We understand you have a dilemma concerning Barriss Offe, Jedi Knight?"

" still a jedi?" Ahsoka frowned.

"No," Anakin chipped in, "She ran away before her hearing."

"Oh," Ahsoka sighed.

"But we need to contain her. She could become a powerful ally for the seperatist," Obi-Wan said and Ahsoka smiled at his voice. He smiled back.

"Right. I believe she has taken Lux Bonterri and a local from the planet Felucia," Ahsoka said.

"Why was Lux Bonterri in that sector?" Windu frowned.

"Er..." Ahsoka started nervously but Anakin smiled at her and continued,

"We believe he was trying to find Ahsoka lost."

"And why did Barriss take them?"

"She was looking for me but she thought taking Lux would draw me to her closer. And she might have had an advantage over me," Ahsoka replied.

Windu frowned, "Why?"

"Ahsoka has feelings for the Senator," Anakin smiled gently and nodded for her to continue.

"The point is, I would like some help from the Jedi, it's been a while," Ahsoka looked at the floor nervously.

"Do what we can, we will," Yoda smiled and gestured for them to leave.

"I was thinking I could show you around?" Anakin started, "For old time's sake?"

"Sure," she replied.

Lux's POV

Lux was panting. He felt like he had been running for a lifetime.

"Ahsoka, where are you!" Lux screamed.

"Here!" he heard Ahsoka's voice. 

He ran towards the voice. There was fog everywhere, it was impossible to see.

He stopped and gasped. A lifeless body hung from a rope which was tied to the branch of a dying tree. He cautiously walked closer and his heart cracked when the face became clear. It was the scarred face of Ahsoka Tano.

"Ahsoka!" Lux screamed at the top of his voice and ran towards her. 

Tugging at her legs, the rope came loose and she fell on top of him. She looked terrible. Her face was painted in blood from the blackened scars, her empty eye sockets gleamed blood red and her dress was ripped. 

Suddenly, Lux heard a crack from ahead. He was paralyzed. He tried to run but he couldn't. He managed to stand up. 

"Hello?" he called out. 

A figure stepped out. Lux gasped. He had never seen him before. It was a man or a robot. The figure had a black helmet on and his breathing was loud. His cloak covered black gear. His voice was mechanical but he couldn't hear what the figure said. 

The figure stepped forward and whispered, "I am Lord Vader."

"What did you do!?" Lux cried. 

He pulled Ahsoka and ran. But he couldn't run fast, he felt like he was running in jelly. He tripped and fell over a branch. Lord Vader stepped forward and whispered...

"Lux, wake up."

Ahsoka's POV

"And here, that used to be your room," Anakin, pointed into a door.

Ahsoka stepped in. She could see everything. The window and it's familiar view, the small pots and her meditating spot. She couldn't see her bed, maybe it had been removed.

"Wow... it looks so familiar and yet so...different." 

"Yeah," Anakin sighed, "Come on."

As they walked out, Luminara walked past. She looked at Ahsoka like she was some sort of nightmare and then scowled and walked on.

"What was that about?" Ahsoka sighed.

"Luminara, kind of... blamed you for what happened to Barriss," Anakin glared after Luminara.

"What!?" Ahsoka spluttered.

"Calm down, keep walking. I have a surprise," Anakin grinned.

He opened another door and Padme stood there. She looked exactly how Ahsoka remembered. Her kind smile and her gentle eyes. Ahsoka squealed and hugged her and Padme hugged her back.

"Ahsoka! So good to have you back!" Padme grinned.

"Thanks! It's so good to see you!" Ahsoka smiled. 

A sudden thought hit her and she whispered, "Can I talk to you inside?"

"Sure," Padme gestured them inside.

"Padme, I know about you and Anakin," Ahsoka sat down.

Padme and Anakin exchanged looks. 

"Oh, you know. How?" Padme sighed.

"I know SkyGuy. He's made it obvious to the people who really know him."

"You won't tell anyone, right?" Padme said, concerned.

"No!" Ahsoka exclaimed, "Of course not!"

"Ahsoka?" Anakin said.


"I know you said no before but I think you've changed since then. Will you come back?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out her padawan braids.

Ahsoka gasped. Her heart was pounding. She didn't know what to do. She closed her eyes. After all Lux had been through to get her back... she had to. Even if it meant Ahsoka and Lux couldn't be together.

"Master Skywalker, I say yes."

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