Chapter 10

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A/N this is a seriously long chapter..for me anyway :D

2.61K views, you guys are legendary! I'm sorry for not updating, League of Legends has taken over my lifee D:

Anyways here goes.

Ahsoka's POV

"Now you will stay here and try not to get into trouble," Obi Wan said, firmly looking into my eyes.

I bit my lip, "Yes Master Kenobi."

His gaze faltered, "Ahsoka I can't be more proud of you. You have grown to such a brave and strong Jedi and I don't think you aren't ready...but I have seen my own Master die, my own Order fall and my padawan change...I can't lose another person."

I nodded, I had lost my own parents, my only friend had backstabbed me, my closest Jedi friend was dead and my master was evil. I had almost seen Lux die. Which was why I had to go.

People don't usually remember their thought from very young. I remember my mom, her wide, blue eyes and her smile as she held me. It was the last thing I saw of her, and then I never found her again.

"Master Kenobi," I said, "I understand. May the force be with you."

He smiled, hugged me and ran towards the ship. I knew it wouldn't take off till Bail Organa came to say farewell so I ran after him, making sure I wasn't seen.

"And what do you think you're doing?" A voice said and someone pulled my hand, I stopped and turned.

"Lux!" I cried, "You should be asleep!"

"I couldn't sleep so I went patrolling. Ahsoka, what are you doing," He asked, gently.

"I'm just..." I figured a lie was useless, "Look, I have to save my master. I can't let him go, I know I can bring him back!"

"Well then," Lux fastened his pistol to his belt, "I suppose we better get going."

"What...You are not going!" I yanked my hands away and stared at Lux.

"You're not going alone," He said, "Ahsoka what do you think...some people...would do if you died?"

I shrugged, "That's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Well let me come," Lux said, "We're in this together, I came to bring you back and I will go to bring you back too."

I looked over and saw Bail Organa talking with Padme.

I slapped my forehead, "Uuuugh, there's no time! Just shut up and run when I tell you!"

Lux smirked, "Okay then."

As soon as Senator Organa left and Padme entered, we ran behind the ship, and jumped over before it closed.

Obi Wan's POV

I thought for ages what I would say. What do I say to my misled padawan that I was sent to kill?

"Nice to see you alive!"

"What do you think you're doing, you dolt?"

Maybe start off with something like,

"Anakin...well this is unexpected."

I felt the ship land and heard footsteps. Padme had run past. I slightly opened the hatch and watched.

I saw them hug, talk for a bit. If I was lucky, I wouldn't have to show myself and Anakin would come home.

I caught a few words, "....terrible things....dark side.....younglings...."

"Obi Wan.....against me"

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