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Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Zion's POV

"What took you so long? I've been waiting here for about an hour already." My mom, Jade Collins Petrakis, complained the moment I climbed at the backseat of her car. The frontseat was loaded with her stuff. Her big brown bag, her thick jacket, her iPad, a tumbler of water, and Ziplocs of assorted biscuits and nuts. No one would be hungry with my mom.

I saw a take out bag of Mcdonalds at the backseat on top of the box of groceries. I immediately grabbed it and peered at what was inside.

"Oops! Get the burger and the fries. The snack wrap is for Emerald." Mom eyed me at the rearview mirror as she drove the car.

I was eating my burger when Mom asked. "How's school?"


"I saw Harry's mom this morning. She said that Harry failed in his Physics exam. What about you. Did you pass it?" Mom asked.

"Of course. The exam was really hard, but I was able to pass it."

I saw my mom smile. "I'm so proud of you, Zion. You're a smart boy."

Oh-oh. If only you knew, Mom.

"Anyways, she also told me about a boy in your school who got his girlfriend pregnant. Is that true?"

I frowned, not liking the idea of Mom gossipping. Normally, she is not like that.

"Yeah. He's in the lower batch."

She heaved a sigh. "You should be careful, Zion. Don't engage in pre-marital sex. You're still too young to become a father. You have to concentrate on your studies first. You should learn from my experience. I was eighteen when I had you... and it was not easy..."

"Mom." I cut her off.

"Yes?" One of her eyebrows rose a fraction.

"Actually, there's something that I would like to tell you."

There was a long pause, then she asked. "What is it?"

"Promise me you won't get upset." I asked her.

"Oh my God. Okay... okay. What is it?" My mom stopped the car at the sidewalk.

"I did something bad, Mom. I disappointed you and Dad."

"Oh, Zion. Why did you do it?" Mom was about to cry now.

"I don't know. I'm just so stupid."

"Your dad will be very upset once he finds out, but I'll make him understand."

"Thank you, Mom, you're the greatest. I love you."

"Who's the girl?"

"What girl?"

"The one you got pregnant."

"What are you talking about, Mom? I didn't get any girl pregnant."

"You did not?"

"Of course not. I failed in my last English exam. I have to play Romeo in the school's stage play after the holiday break to get good grades."

"That's it? You did not get anyone pregnant?"

"Yeah. That's it."

She exhaled heavily. "Oh Thank God. I thought you did something terrible. Good thing you just failed an exam."

I was studying in my room after dinner when I got a text from Maddie. My window is open.

I looked at my window. The venetian blinds were closed. It had always been closed for a long time already. I knew what I would see once I pulled up the blinds. Maddie waving at me in her cute pajama outfit.

I used to be so smitten with Maddie. Falling head over heels. I took pictures and videos of her dancing in her room, jumping on her bed, making cute poses, and blowing kisses for me. I was mesmerized. My PC, laptop, and iPad were full of her photos and videos. Until now, they were still there. I didn't know why I haven't deleted them yet when it has been a year already since we broke up.

My relationship with Maddie started to get sour when she joined the US ballroom dancing competition. She was an amazing dancer, and it was her dream to join such a competition. I also became busy being the captain of our school football team. We didn't get much time for each other anymore.

I heard rumors about Maddie going out with the principal's son, Cameron Talbot— the famous F-boy in school. But I didn't believe it. Even Harry told me that it was true.

I confronted Maddie, and she said that Cameron was only a friend. He was the cousin of her partner in the ballroom dancing competition.

But secrets are like smoke. You can't hold it with your hand.

One late afternoon, I was already home but asked my dad if he could drive me back to school. I forgot my Chemistry workbook in my locker. I had to get it so I could make my homework.

After I got my Chemistry workbook, I went to the boy's toilet to pee when I saw a boy and a girl kissing inside. I got the biggest shock of my life when I saw who it was.

It was Cameron and Maddie.

Claire's POV

"Zion is going to play Romeo?" Rhea's eyes widened with excitement.

"Shh. Be quiet. That's what Miss Robinson said." I answered.

"Girl, this year is going to be the best year of your life! You will get to know him better. Who knows, you and him are really meant to be." Rhea giggled. "I'm so happy for you, Claire."

"What are you talking about? We'll be partners in a play, not partners for life. Besides, he won't notice me. I'm not his type. I can't even compete with his ex's beauty."

"You're beautiful. You just need a little makeover." Rhea assessed me from head to toe. "If you'll just get rid of these thick bangs and trim your thick eyebrows, then dress in a sexy dress and heels, hmm... you'll be like one of those Victoria Secret models."

"Ha-ha. That's very flattering."

"I'm serious. Maybe we'll start working on your hair. Have it cut. It's too long." Rhea touched my straight long hair.

"Please don't. I love my hair long."

"Then let's work on those tiny freckles of yours. You need to put some makeup to cover those."

"Rhea, I'm not putting anything on my face. I don't like to make lots of effort to make a guy like me. I'm me. I don't have to change."

"Okay fine. Whatever you want. Anyways, there's a kissing scene for Romeo and Juliet at the end of the play, right?"


"There is!" Rhea was teasing me now. "Isn't that exciting? He will be your first kiss? Oh my! You lucky girl."

"Shh. Stop it, Rhea. That's not funny anymore. Come on, hurry up, we'll be late." I dragged Rhea towards our classroom. We have only five minutes more to go before our Physics class.

We were in the hallway when suddenly I bumped into someone when we turned a corner.

"Ouch!" I yelped.

"Oops, sorry, Claire." Izzy said.

I was falling towards the tiled floor. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. But someone caught me.

It was Zion.

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