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Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Claire's POV

"Are you crying?" My best friend, Rhea, asked me the moment I sat beside her in the school bus.

"No. Something got into my eye." I wiped my eyes, trying so hard to stifle a snort.

Rhea frowned. "He didn't show up again."

I couldn't hide what I felt anymore. Rhea knew me so well. I was so hurt, and the tears that I'd been holding since I left the theatre started to fall like raindrops.

"He's a jerk. I thought he's a nice charming guy. I don't like him for you anymore—my rating for him totally dropped to 90%! You shouldn't have waited for him today. He stood you up three times already... I told you, Claire, but you wouldn't listen. That heart of yours is stupid. You shouldn't listen to it." Rhea was rattling now, never stopping until we arrived at the bus station to get out. "You know what? Izzy is a nice guy. I don't understand why you don't like him."

"I don't understand either." I stood up hugging my heavy backpack.

"Maybe you need to give him a chance." Rhea suggested.

That made me stop in my tracks and think about it. She could be right. It would be the only way to get Zion out of my system. I needed to open my heart and pull that handsome dewy-eyed boy out.

I thought of Izzy. He was a very handsome, caring, and romantic type of guy. I remembered the love letters and poems he gave me that I read in a haste. Maybe I should read those again when I get home. But when I thought of Izzy's pick up lines again, it made me cringe. He had the corniest pick up lines and no originality. Like last week when I was in the canteen waiting in a queue, he appeared behind me and asked.

"Are you from Tennessee?"

"No. Why?" I asked him back.

"Because you're the only teen-I-wanna-see." He said with a wink.

I didn't know how to react. I felt the heat stealing my face. I was the one who got so embarrassed.

Israel Yasin or Izzy was my schoolmate in grade school and still was in Riverview High School. Along with Zion, Harry, and the other kids in the zone area.

Izzy courted me since we were in seventh grade. I didn't encourage him. I told him honestly that we were still too young to engage in a relationship. Besides, I saw him as a friend only. He stopped pursuing me every time he had a girlfriend. But as soon as he became single, he came back to courting me again. It became a routine.

I arrived home and went directly to the basement. Since Ashley took my bedroom, I transferred to the basement, bringing my stuff and my mom's. It became my haven.

I had all the things I wanted here. Aside from my clothes, shoes, and school stuff, I had a cabinet full of romantic novels— my mom's collection. I also had a jigsaw puzzle, Bluetooth speaker, laptop, headphones, and my old Canon camera. All of these kept me occupied whenever I didn't have anything to do in the house.

I went directly to my bedroom, located at the corner of the basement. I put my maroon backpack on top of my study table and sprung myself to bed tiredly.

I felt so emotionally drained. I was not the type who cries easily. I learned to toughen myself up when my mom died. But today, I couldn't help it. I was so upset and disappointed... heartbroken. What Zion did, ditching me three times, made me feel so small, like I was a nobody. It really hurt... because it was true.

I stared at the dreamcatcher dangling from the ceiling just above my head. My mom gave it to me. She said it would protect me from bad dreams and nightmares. But why does reality feels like a bad dream that won't allow me to wake up? I lost my mom. I lost my dad. And now, I'm all alone.

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