Serena was outside waiting 4 Ash because he has defeated the elite 4 and will take on the campion tomorrow afternoon. Ash comes out of the stadium and says "wow that was a though battle but I got though the elite 4" and Clomont says "well they r tough trainer's Ash but I'm happy u made it through 2 now all that is left is the champion" and Bonnie says "yay now let's celebrate" and Serena gave Ash a kiss on the cheek and says "it's good luck 4 tomorrow" and Ash blushes and says "thank u Serena" and they went 2 go eat. In Ash's mind Evil Ash had his plan 2 make Serena evil and he waits until they r alone 2 make his move.
That's it enjoy the story. I do not own pokemon.

Dark Amourshipping Evil Ash x Yandere Serena
FanficThis is a story bout how Evil Ash came back to control Ash and made Serena a Yandere and they both fell in love