A Dark World

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"Gardavoir is unable 2 battle Charizard is the winner which means the new champion is Ash from Pallet Town" everyone cheers 4 his victory however wat they don't know is that he is bout 2 cover the world in darkness and if no 1 follows his rule Serena will kill them. Ash says something 2 himself "3, 2, 1"the sky becomes dark and Dark Ash takes the microphone and says "now listen up mortals I am not the sweet living idiot that u all know I am Dark Ash I once took over Ash before but then I was sealed away but now I'm back and now I will rule the world" Clomont was bout 2 send out his Luxray until Serena sent out Brixen and told her 2 use flamethrower on Clomont which burned him alive and everyone else ran out of the stadium and both Dark Ash and Dark Serena said "its 2 late 2 run" they make a dark Arcues and create a new dark world where people serve Dark Ash and Dark Serena. 6 years have passed after the new world was created and both of them r married and have a daughter named Dark Ashley She has Dark Serena's hair but has Dark Ash's nose and mouth and they lived a good life ruling everyone.

This is the end of this whole story I know it was short but I might do a story where this continues but is in the new generation well enjoy the story. I do not own Pokemon.

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