Chapter 12

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Time for the after party. We got home in 20 minutes.

The guys got ready at Max's place and I, the only girl got ready at my place.

I put on the dress that I adored so much. It looked good, the only dress that looked good on me.

I put on some make up, not to much.

I looked decent. I threw on some proper looking flats.

Took my stuff and walked out of my room.

Dads eyes widened. "You look so beautiful. The boys will have to protect you from all of the bad boys." He winked. I just laughed.

"Yooo boysss." Max walked in without knocking.

"Yooo boyssss." I mocked him.

He stopped dead in track. "Where is Rain? What is this! This isn't my baby Rain!" Max walked up to me and hugged me as a proud father.

"Max chill!" I giggled.

As Max let go all the boys were standing there looking at me with opened mouths.

"Now guys, I want you keeping my princess safe." My dad said. I rolled my eyes.

"Can we gooo?" I whined.

"Yes of course." All of them shook their heads, as they were waking up.

Joji walked up to me and stuck his hand out for me to take.

I took it, smiling at him.

"Lets go boys." I took Max's hand with my free one and he took Chads, Chad took Ian's hand we all went out, in this snake kind of line.

We walked the way there, because it was nice out, and we lived quite close to school.

After few minutes of laughing and falling we got there.

We opened the doors and the gym was packed with people dancing and the music was blasting as loud as it could.

We found a free table and sat down.

"So boys, we graduated." I smiled.

"We did." Max smiled. "I should of counted how many times you told me you were going to kill yourself in the past 2 years." Max laughed.

"I should of done it." I laughed and all the guys went silent. "What?" I turned my head away from them, looking at the people dancing.

"Anyone want to dance?" I bit my lip looking at them.

Wham! came on.

"Guys please this is one of my favorite songs!" The beat to Wake me up before you go-go, played.

"Fine then." I stood up.

Max shot up. "Lets go poop face." He smirked.

I jumped up and down. "Thank you!" I dragged him out to the dance floor.

As we got there, I started to dance, like They do in the video clip.

Max did the same as me. People looked at us but I didn't give a shit, this is my best friend.

As the song ended, we both let out a breath out of tiredness. We smiled at each other and walked back to the table, plopping down on the chairs.

I took my cup and drank the water from it.

"How did you even??" Chad asked.

"They always dance when they hear their fav songs." Ian smiled.

"Ian, don't act like we never danced!" I laughed at him.

After a few songs of sitting threw and talking, I heard the one.

As the beat started playing to Bad Romance my head flicked to Ian.

I smirked at him. "No!" Ian said. "I won't."

"Ian please!" I laughed standing up. I started jumping up as a little kid, who didn't get what It wanted.

"Ian please!" I cried out.

He started to stand up. "THANK YOU IAN!!"

Once again we ran to the dance floor.

We started to do the dance.

Ian getting to it. We looked at each other, smiling.

After this song, Ian took my leg, lifting it up.

I breathed out, and so did Ian.

All the people clapped. I smiled at him and we walked back to the table.

"You know, you danced with the two of us, time for another two." Max smiled.

"Maybe later." I sat down looking at Joji.

He was on his phone.

But when he lifted his head up, our eyes met and we looked into each others eyes for minutes, until Max spoke up.

"Dude, Chad knows this dance, please dance with him." It was All the single ladies.

"Lets go boy." We stood up and danced the whole dance.

"Wow Chad." I breathed out.

"Yeah I know." We laughed.

Again I sat down. And drank from the cup.

After an hour of talking, laughing and watching people dance, the last song played.

It was, My heart will go on, from titanic. (If you want more effect turn on that song) .It was a slow dance of course.

The last slow dance I danced was with dad, at his birthday.

I looked at my cup filled with Sprite.

Some one poked me in the shoulder, I looked up seeing Joji, His hand out for me to take.

I looked at him, at his hand and then again at him.

I took his hand. He smiled.

We stood up and walked towards the dance floor.

The song was about 40 seconds in.

We started to dance slowly. Rocking back and forth.

"I have never danced a slow dance." Joji admitted.

"I danced it only once." Smiling at the memory.

People started dancing properly, in a going circle.

The song got more closer to the beat. Every move we made, I felt that I loved him.

It felt amazing.

Out of no where the beat came. My emotions breaking out. Small tears stained my eyes.

We were still spinning. My heart aching.

The song ended and me and Joji looked into each other eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Joji smiled a sweet smile.

"Because.." I looked around every one kissing each other.

"Because...?" Joji asked curiously.

"Because... this." I kissed him. I did it.

I kissed the guy I liked.

Plastic Taste || Joji MillerWhere stories live. Discover now