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This is Aiden when he was little.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
- Lao Tzu

Once in a winter bright Christmas night, Everyone in MoonBright Town is having a fantastic bright funtime, unwrapping their presents, singing jolly Christmas Songs, eating dinner with their loved ones, just having a very fun time in this Christmas night.

Two Adults named Akeem and Genesis who owned Toy Industry, the famous million dollar company in MoonBright Town, had a beautiful baby boy, who was born in Christmas Morning. The two adults Akeem and Genesis who named their happy baby boy, Aiden, just happily enjoying their Christmas Night.

But on to this particular fun Christmas Night in MoonBright Town, Something bad happens. But it all starts with a mysterious secretive person. Who was wearing a black cloak, walking on the snowy sidewalk.

1st Thoughts: "Hmmm... , Still walking in this snowy town. I can't wait to do my secret plan to see frightful reactions from these people."
End of 1st Thoughts
Then all of a sudden, I started to see Little Kids and Adults going outside playing with the snow in their front yards.
1st Thoughts: "Seeing these Kids and Adults playing are not going to be happy soon because of my secret plan.
End of 1st Thoughts

I thought forming a evil smirk in my black magic cloak stopping and standing, looking at the kids and adults playing with the snow in their front yards.

Then, A thought of my plan came to me. So, Then I started the beginning of my plan. Starting and Beginning to do my evil laugh, People in MoonBright Town started going outside with confused emotions probably wondering why I started to do my evil laugh.
Then, I started using my evil dark power to create and form a terrible storm. I kept doing my evil laugh, and said in a deep demonic voice saying"Everyone in MoonBright Town shall see no light and non beauty of nature itself. Also whom shall see no sky and hear the boom of the clouds."
After When I was done saying this, I seen everyone crying and panicking and mostly people in MoonBright Town were saying"Please don't do this."
Still smirking and laughing Very evil, I kept looking around to see more frightful reactions from these people.
1st Thoughts: "The clouds were indeed a deep color shade of purple and black. Seeing frightful reactions from these people is quite hilarious. They will never find out who I am and never find out my secret plan, no one... Mwhahahaha.....
End of Thoughts

When I was done, I stopped laughing evily and stopped looking around in MoonBright Town to see frightful reactions from these people. Then, I started to concentrate my power and teleport to my evil lair.
End of ? POV

Genesis(Aiden's Mom) POV
I woke up seeing a familiar room and I started to realize that I'm in me and my husband's room. Then, I closed my eyes and started to remember about what happened earlier, A Flashback.
I went outside and seen the clouds turning a deep color shade of purple and black. Hearing thunder and started seeing lighting bolts,appearing couple of seconds. I know the clouds were starting to form a terrible storm and Remember a hint. Then, I've seen a mysterious person wearing a black cloak, laughing very evil, floating in mid air, across the sky, seeing his as up, seeing his hands creating a powerful purple and black ball, shooting toward the clouds. And Then I knew that mysterious person was evil. I didn't like the sound of his laugh. I didn't panic, I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I just stand there shocked, I felt stiff, and I realized that my body didn't want to move anymore. Then, my legs started to shake, legs feeling wobbly, feeling that I'm going to fall. Then, I started to feel super dizzy. Then, I heard my husband saying"Are u okay, honey." I was still carrying my newborn baby Aiden in my arms. Then all of a sudden, I seen a complete pitch of darkness.
End of Flashback

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