Chapter Three

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The late afternoon sun beamed through the hospital window, colours of red and orange bounced off the plain dull walls of the modern hospital and illuminated the room. Silence and anticipation was present; Dazai was sitting on a chair at the foot of the metal-framed bed, anxiously waiting for his friend to wake up from his accident; Mahoko was seated beside her husband, her head resting on her arms on the bed. She was in a deep slumber with a book beside her that her husband gave her, open on the page where she drifted off to sleep. She loved to read, and so did he, hence why they got along so well; they would often be content with each other just sitting and reading in silence. That's what they loved about each other. Suddenly, the rustling of covers and a groan adverted Dazai's attention to the red-haired man on the bed, "Are you awake, Odasaku?" Dazai asked as he turned to look at Oda, his loud voice filled the room, Mahoko's eyes begin to flutter open, she lifted her head slightly and stretched her arms; she looked up at the man known as her husband "Saku-kun" she said with a soft smile as she sat up from the bed, "How do you feel?" Dazai asked with slight concern in his voice, Oda sat up from his bed slowly as Mahoko placed her hand behind his back to assist him. "I feel like I'm experiencing all the hangovers I'll have in the next fifty years all at the same time" Oda moaned as Mahoko giggled and held his hand in hers, caressing his hand with her thumb "How are you? have you been here this whole time?" he looked towards his wife, she had bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep, her hair was a mess from the short nap she took waiting for Oda to be conscience again "I'm fine, I've been here the whole time, I was just so worried about you" guilt filled Oda, how could he make his wife worry like that?, he thought, he was supposed to take care of her. "Don't worry I've got enough sleep once Dazai-kun came" she smiled softly to reassure her husband "Besides, the book was getting interesting, I just couldn't put it down" she waved the book with her free hand. He smiled then returned his gaze to his free hand resting on his lap "I saw Ango at the place you told me about" he spoke, Dazai crossed his arms around his chest and sat up straight in his chair "So Ango was there, like I suspected",

"Yeah" Oda replied "he vanished into the dark with soldiers in black" he continued as he adverted his gaze to Dazai, Mahoko also looked at Dazai "The government?" she pried, Dazai nodded "Sounds like black special ops. It seems recent events can be divided into two categories",

"Are they a separate organisation from Mimic?" Oda questioned,

"They're different , but we can pretty much ignore the black special ops guys for now. Mimic is the more dangerous enemy" Dazai moved his hand towards his chin "Akutagawa-kun and other combat squad members are dealing with conflicts in the city, but we don't even know what the enemy leader's ability is.... We're at a disadvantage" he sighed, Mahoko spoke up,

"It's not like I can be any of assistance either, the boss wants me to keep training Gin-chan to get her ready for upcoming assassinations" she sighed; she hated it, the thought of training a child to be a cold-blooded murderer, but it is her life; the life she had to live, the only life she has lived. "That Akutagawa is one of your subordinates, isn't he?" Oda asked with curiosity "I heard his ability has high offensive capabilities" Dazai closed his eyes and huffed

"He's a naked sword without a scabbard. I'm sure he'll become the strongest gifted mafia member in the near future but, right now, he needs someone to teach him how to sheathe his blade" Dazai looked at the couple and laughed a little "Sorry, that was a tangent. This morning, the council of five top executives convened; Mahoko was supposed to be present, however she was given permission to be absent because of your circumstances" Oda looked at Mahoko who just smiled "It's fine I'm not in trouble they understand",

"Anyway, they made a decision to attack Mimic, with everything the Port Mafia can muster. Just now, my subordinates, including Akutagawa-kun, were hit by a surprise attack. They're still fighting at the art museum" Mahoko and Dazai turned to look at Oda as he picked up his gun holster "Odasaku?" Dazai looked at him, Mahoko moved to sit next to him on the bed

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