Chapter 24

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"What are you looking at?" He asked while putting on his clothes.

My heart started to race.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said

"Who the hell are you?"

My heart froze.
"It's me Y/n. Don't you remember?"

He looked at me for the longest time until he finally spoke.
"No. Am I suppose to?"

My heart shattered.
"What do you remember?" I asked

"Nothing really"

"Do you know who you are?"

"Some dude named Jeff"

Anger grew inside of me.

He shrugged "I'm not sure"

"It was probably the bastard Eugene"

"Look cupcake, I don't know who the fuck you are but I need some fuckin answers and I need them right now"
He picked me up and tied me up to one of the hospital beds. I tried to get out of his grip but it was no use. He put the knife to my throat.
"Now tell me, where are we?"

"What is up with people interrogating me today" I mumbled

He made a cut on my neck.

"We're in the hospital."

He paced the room back and forth trying to remember.

"Who are you?" He asked

"I told you already! I'm y/n!"

"NO! Who are you to me?"

"I'm... I'm your friend. We met at the asylum, then we escaped. You took me to your cabin and that's where I met Smile dog...You left for 3 months to find my parents. Well anyway I didn't go live with them but you said we had to leave the cabin so you took us into the woods somewhere. Then we separated for a while but I almost got raped then you saved me, and you took me to a house were you took care of me. Then you went out to kill and you left me at home because I was injured but the police came and they took me. On the news they said they shot you. For a moment I thought you were dead"
I felt tears running down my cheek, it's been 4 months since I met Jeff. Those 4 months were the best, but he doesn't remember a single thing.

"I'm a killer?" he asked

"Yeah, one of the best. I'm sure you already knew that, you are a very aggressive person"

"Are you a killer?"

"I... I have killed, but I don't enjoy it"

"Your hoodie is almost soaked in blood"

"Oh. This isn't mine, it's actually your hoodie. You gave it to me because I didn't have any clothes"

He stayed quiet for while before asking
"What's a Smile dog?"

"He's your dog, but I haven't seen him since you left"

He seemed troubled
"Who is Eugene?"

"He's the guy who 'killed' you"

After minutes of silence he finally spoke.
"Lets go find this asshole" he let me go and helped me up.

We walked to the elevator and pressed the main lobby button.
I looked at Jeff, he was different. He looked the same, he just had a couple of bruises here and there but he was a different person.
When we got out of the elevator there were several police men waiting for us.
I pulled Jeff back into the elevator and pressed all the buttons.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Jeff snapped

"I don't know!! We have to get the fuck out of here!"

The doors opened at the second floor.
"C'mon!" Jeff yelled
He grabbed my arm and ran into a room. The room had a window and he was running towards it.
I tried to get out of his grip, but it was too late. The window shattered into a million pieces. Sure we weren't so high from the ground, but landing on glass is painful.
I laid on the ground feeling really dizzy. My hands were covered in blood.
"Get up!" Jeff yelled
I slowly got up and tried to keep up with him.
"Where to?!" he asked while slowing down to catch up with me.
"Town Hall, I think"

"Where is that?"

"I don't fucking know!"

He rolled his eyes and threw me over his back.
He started to run again. I felt very nauseas. He then stopped and dropped me.
"What the hell was that for?!"

He was standing in front of a jewelry store, looking at his reflection.
"Jeff are you okay?"

He turned around to look at me, he looked furious.
He grabbed his knife and walked towards me, with every step he took I backed away more. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Jeff looked me in the eyes then snarled, he then stabbed my shoulder. I screamed as a river of blood ran down my arm.
"What the hell did I do this time!" I spat

He raised his knife again and stabbed my stomach. I started to cough up blood. What has gotten into him?!
He raised his knife again, this time aiming for my heart.
Luckily the sound of police sirens was getting louder.
Jeff bent down next to me and laughed.
"I'll come back for you cupcake."
He licked the knife then he ran into a dark alley.
I felt dizzy I tried crawling away but I failed. The ambulance came and the paramedics carried me to the ambulance.
"She losing a lot of blood!" one of them yelled

"She's not gonna make it!" another one yelled

The last thing I saw was the two paramedics looking at me with worried expressions.

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