Chapter 4 / A Secret

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( a/n ) holy, where have I been, well my life has taken a table of turns and now I'm back, I can't say I'll be consistent with my chapters and when I update :( but I'll try my best so sorry for the inconvenience, since it's practically been a year since I posted, I'd highly recommend you to read all my chapters before you read this one, sorry guys I'll try to update this story often , love you all <3

Kiyoshi's POV

"You are the chosen one"
The words constantly repeat in my head, I stare at my reflection in the shiny sword. It glistens so much that everything around us seems like a pitch. Kyoko stares at me heavily, I feel worried and uncomfortable, neither of us spoke a word. "Go on, pick up the sword, what are you waiting for?" She says hesitantly.

I put my two hands on the glistening sword and pick it up delicately. It felt so fragile yet so heavy. The handles of the sword fit the grooves of my hand perfectly, it's like this was meant for me... Soro comes by my side so suddenly, I flinch. He/she gestures at the sword and stretches its wings out. "It's telling you to go somewhere" Kyoko says quietly. "Where?" I say and the rooms filled with silence. Soro starts moving up and down and side by side, it's eyes turned a bright red, yellow sparks pierced through Soro. "NO, NO, WHATS HAPPENING." Kyoko screamed. "Leave, leave, before the matter gets worse, but leave nothing behind" voices filled the room. I grab my sword steadily and grabbed Kyoko by the other hand and started running so fast, my heart started pounding, it was beating faster and faster, that's when everything came to a blur. Slowly everything started moving, the Sky became light green and the floor became hard wood and...

I was back... where I started, papas room... My heart started going slower, I let my hands loose to see bright red marks from holding on too tight. I dropped to the ground *thud*. Tears rolled down my eyes one by one. I was so traumatized, what had I just witness, this isn't right... This can't be happening. I feel like the world has stopped and slowly everything is being crammed into my head, images keep on blurring in my mind and I keep on blanking out.

Kyokos POV

I don't know what to do, "what's happening" I say but I get no respond. I start to worry for Kiyoshi, I look at him in the eyes, I see my reflection in his dark blue eyes staring back at me. He grabs his head and stares at the blank wall. "Kiyoshi... Kiyoshi, don't act this way please, your starting to scare me. His hands turn red and shrivel to his sides. "I don't know what's happening anymore" he grabs my arm and hugs me tight, I could feel his tears roll down my shirt. Everything will be alright Kiyoshi, I promise...

"Well what do we have here". "PAPA" I scream with joy and tremble.

Papa POV
So you've found the book I've been hiding, I didn't think this day would come and I really wished I didn't go out to get groceries. "Can I really not trust you two alone around the house, have I taught you like this, why are you disciplined  like this because I know that everything I do for the both of you is right but what you have done right now Kiyoshi and Kyoko Tomo is beyond disgrace"

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