Chapter 12: Funneh

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We arrived at the beach in a matter of minutes, out of breath because Evelyn decided that we run.
The beautiful woman that greeted us at the airport was standing on the beach talking to three other people with a clipboard in hand.
"Excuse. Me. Ma'am," Evelyn puffed "Are. You. In charge. Of. The. Hula lessons?"
The woman looked at us and smiled.
"Yes," she said, in a beautiful and exotic voice "I am. Why? Were you thinking about joining?"
Evelyn nodded excitedly.
"Oh wonderful!" The woman exclaimed "is it just you or are your friends joining too?"
"We're joining." Evan answered.
"Perfect! Now, we have need to talk about positions," she said "we need dancers and musicians."
"Musician please." Evan said quickly.
"I'll also be a musician." said Kyran.
"Me too, please." Ally piped up, remembering her manners.
"I'll dance," Alec said. When we looked at him with a mix of surprise and respect, he shrugged. "Why not? I mean, it looks like fun."
The rest of us volunteered to be dancers.
The woman looked around in happiness; she clearly didn't get many volunteers all at once.
She straightened and held out her hand for us to shake.
"I am your teacher, Airini."
"That name means "peace"," Evelyn said "Mostly used in Hawaiian speaking countries."
"Yes," Airini said "you're a smart girl."
Evelyn blushed and thanked her.
"When exactly are the lessons?" I asked.
"Every third day, starting tomorrow and ending after the island show, at 2pm." Airini replied.
We thanked her and left to unpack.


Night was falling and we decided to go down to dinner.
"I'm so hungry," Gold complained "lets go!"
"Not yet!" I protested "Brittany and Felicia are hogging the bathroom, and I need to pee!"
"One," Alec said "Too much info. And two: why don't you just go to the bathrooms that are there?"
"Um, because; public bathrooms are always awful!"
"You seriously think that the bathrooms are gunna be bad? Look around. This place is practically 12 star."
It was then that Brittany and Felicia walked out of the bathrooms.
"We're done!" Brittany sang.
"And don't we look Fab. U. Lous!?" Felicia said.
It was true. As insufferable as those two are, they got style.
"Yeah ok. You guys look awesome. Now let's go!" Evan yelled, racing out the door.


We arrived at a luau and helped ourselves to food that looked so good, Gold kept taking photos.
"Gold," I said "can you not?"
"But the food looks so good! You know how many people are gunna double tap these photos?!"
I gave her a look and she reluctantly put away her phone.
"This place is amazing!" Evelyn exclaimed.
"Yeah." Kyran agreed.
We had no sooner sat down with our food when a spotlight lit up the stage, Airini stood in the light and spoke into a microphone.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the Heiress islands!"
A round of applause went up from the audience.
"Tonight we have some amazing performances lined up, so please give a warm welcome to everyone who gets up here!"
Another round of applause went up as a group of dancers got onto the stage.
As perfectly as a well oiled machine the dancers moved in perfect harmony to the music.
When the song finished the dancers took a bow and applause rang out of the audience.
The same routine continued as each performer got on stage.
Said performance.
More clapping.
Some people danced, sang or both. One man came on stage twirling fire and spitting it out for his finale.
He was easily the best performance.
After dinner and dessert was served, we left to go back to the hotel room.
"Wait," Evelyn said when we where in the living room "there are only five rooms, and nine of us. We're going to have to share with someone."
"I'm with Gold!" I cried before anyone could steal her.
"Yayyyy!" Gold said, jumping up and down while clapping "sleepover!"
"Brittany and I for life." Felicia called.
"Yuh." Brittany agreed.
Evan shrugged. "Kyran. Why not?"
Kyran shrugged and agreed but didn't seem to care much about his pairing.
"Yandere," Celeste called "you cool with that?"
"Yeah." Yandere agreed.
"Alright," Evelyn said "that leaves Alec, Ally... and me."
"Evelyn should get a room to herself," I said "her dad is paying for this place."
"Well....." Evelyn said quietly, barley above a whisper "being an only child, I'm always by myself, I never have company. Because of my... background people assume I'm a stuck up little princess, so I couldn't make friends or have sleepovers. I kinda wanted to share with someone, see what it's like to have a sibling."
We stood in silence processing she said.
I was also an only child, but I always had Gold. I couldn't imagine growing up not being able to make friends just for having more money.
Ally put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll be your temporary sister," she said "you can room with me."
Evelyn beamed with joy.
"So that's five rooms taken, and Alec is still alone."
"Well that makes it sound sad." Alec said, folding his arms across his chest.
"Sorry." Evelyn said.
"You can room with us," Evan offered, trying not to laugh.
"..... fine." Alec agreed. He shot Evan some death glares which Evan returned with a mischievous grin.
"Ok," I said "time to go to bed. See you tomorrow."
And with that we walked to our separate rooms.

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