Chapter 8: Celeste

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The week after learning Yandere was also going to the Heiress Islands was a blur.
I literally remember nothing of importance.
At last school ended and the holidays began.
I asked my parents if I could pick up Yandere and wait with her at the airport.
Luckily they don't particularly care about what I do as long as I don't get into strangers cars.
I grabbed my keys and walked into the garage.
A sleek, yellow, roofless car waited for me.
I got in and drove out to the street Yandere lived on, I saw her standing outside a beautiful and large house wearing light blue shorts and a yellow, flow-y sleeveless shirt. She had tan leather sandals on her feet.

 She had tan leather sandals on her feet

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She was smiling with genuine happiness.
Everyone's excited to go.
"Hey girl!" I yell to her.
Yandere gave a quick, happy laugh. "Hey Celeste!"
She threw her bags in the car and jumped over the car door into the front seat.
We were driving down the road when Yandere spotted Funneh and Gold leaving the dormitories.
"Oo oo," she pointed to them "slow down."
I pushed on the brakes and we came to a smooth stop in front of their road.
Yandere leaned on the door and smiled.
"Hey guys! Wanna lift?"
I leaned back and smiled at them.
Funneh looked at Gold and together, without uttering a word, decided to get in.
"Sure!" Gold smiled at us "thanks!"
Gold climbed in the back, followed by Funneh.
Gold was wearing white shorts, a blue shoulder-less shirt and a pretty sun hat. Sunglasses hid her golden eyes.
Funneh wore a dark blue sleeveless knee length sundress. It had thin white horizontal lines running back and forth. She had sandals with tiny fake blue flowers running down the front. Gold wore gold flats.

"You guys look awesome

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"You guys look awesome." I said.
Yandere nodded in agreement.
"Aww! Thank you!" They said in unison.
"Well?" Yandere laughed "let's go!"

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