chapter 1

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*important authors note at the bottom*

"Bye Macy, I'm going to miss you so much" I said while hugging my best friend goodbye, trying to keep the tears at bay.

She sniffled, "Why do you have to go all the way to Georgia?"

I sighed, "because of my dad Macy, you know that" I said quietly as she gave me a sympathetic look and mumbled a 'sorry' before dragging her hand under her eyes to rid of her tears.

"I promise I'll visit you every chance I get" I told her

"Bye Anna. I love you so much" she said while walking away, the tears already leaving her eyes.

Saying goodbye is something I seem to be doing a lot lately. I sighed as I walked back into my house, making my way towards the kitchen. Slowly looking at the refrigerator my face fell as I once again saw a note from my dad. This time it said that he was ready leaving for Georgia and by the time I read this note, he will already be on a plane. Of course I knew he was going to do this, but it doesn't hurt to hope for the best.

Walking upstairs to get my luggage I walked around the empty house for last time, and went outside to hail a cab. Since my dad wasn't around much, he just gave me a credit card that I can use whenever I want.

Getting off the plane I get into another taxi, reading the address my father text me to the driver, and started to close my eyes.

"Excuse me miss..." The driver said.


"Arnt you little young to be going around with a credit card?"

"Well I am 16 and I'm just borrowing my dads" I lied

She shook his head slightly and went back to driving. I was about to resume my sleeping when I saw a really big dog out my window, but it was gone before I got a good look at it. Shrugging, I went back to sleeping.

"We're here!" The cab driver yelled as we pulled in front of a tiny white house that looked like it was made it the 1800s.

Walking up the creaky steps I carefully stepped inside , found a random room and immediately went to sleep, thinking about the large dog I saw earlier.


Okay so this is my first book and I'd really like your input on how it is! Please comment saying weather it's good or not!! Thank you

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